5. Access Denied
Series 1

1. Up Up And Away

2. Take To The Skies

3. Trial By Fire

4. Quest For Redemption

5. Access Denied

6. Corrupted

Act 1
Scene 1- Desert

A sandstorm rises up. It clears slightly to reveal a building similar to the Command Centre. The sandstorm disperses as the camera zooms in on the base.
The words 'Sky Force' are printed on the front.

Scene 2- Hallway

A young girl with a slight tan, brown eyes and long flowing black hair walks along the hallway. She is dressed in Sky Force uniform and is holding a clipboard.

WOMAN'S VOICE (Over PA)- Would Officer Sonya Forest please report to Commander Bones' office ASAP.

The PA cuts off and the girl frowns slightly. She walks faster down the hallway.

SONYA- Now what does he want?

She comes to a door marked 'Commander Bones' and pushes the door open. She walks in.

Scene 3- Commander Bones' office

Sonya is slightly nervous as she walks up to the commander's desk. In the chair is a chubby middle-aged man with a bushy red moustache and red hair combed in a ridiculous way so it covers his balding patch on top. His eyes are green and he is wearing a uniform similar to Commander Fawcett, except it has trousers and not a dress, a badge marked 'Commander Bones' is pinned to his chest.

SONYA- *Nervous* You wanted to see me sir?

BONES- Yes Sonya, I did. You're being transferred.

SONYA- *Dumbfounded* I'm what?

BONES- You're being transferred to the satellite base.

SONYA- You mean?

BONES- Yes Sonya, you can see Ken again.

Sonya jumps for joy and drops her clipboard. She cries out in happiness at the thought of seeing her big brother again. She stops, out of breath and picks up the clipboard. She hands it to the commander.

SONYA- *Gasp* Speaking of the satellite base, we just got this report on the new Falconizer that they've been working on.

BONES- Wonderful, simply marvellous. You'd better go pack your bags Sonya, you leave in 1 hour.

Sonya jumps for joy again and dashes out of the room. The commander reads through the report, making slight groans here and there.

Scene 4- Desert

A jeep rolls across the desert. Close up of cockpit. Inside are 2 guards (1 is driving) and Sonya carrying a silver suitcase.

SONYA- *In thought* It's been 5 years Ken, but I'm finally coming home.

1ST GUARD- Hope you enjoy the trip to the satellite base, I used to train at the same academy as your big brother.

SONYA- *Giggling* Oh I'll enjoy it. I'll enjoy it.

The jeep disappears as another sandstorm kicks up.

Scene 5- Throne room

Master Polar paces back and forth angrily as his cloak trails behind him and Tundra and Glacier watch him. Polar clenches his fist as a group of Amphibials continue gorging themselves with Budweiser. Master Polar snarls at them and clenches his fist again. A mass of black tentacles appears from the floor and entwines the Amphibials, squeezing the life from them. Master Polar walks over to them and pulls out his sword.

POLAR- Weak fools!

He slices their heads off and their bodies and the tentacles vanish. Master Polar sheathes his sword and continues pacing.

TUNDRA- If I may be so bold as to ask sir, but why are you upset?

POLAR- *Angrily* Why am I upset? I'll tell you why! Because time after time, we send monster after monster and time after time, we're defeated! I'm sick of it!

GLACIER- Why not invoke the Brotherhood of Dark Elements?

Polar turns to him angrily.

POLAR- *Angrily* The brotherhood? The brotherhood?

Polar brings his hand down on Glacier and the android falls to pieces. Tundra gulps and looks at Polar with cowardice.

TUNDRA- *Nervous* Glacier has a point. Why don't you ask the brotherhood to send another member?

POLAR- *Calmer* Because my dear Tundra, when I tried to invoke the Brotherhood of Dark Elements last time, they told me where I should shove it. And believe me, I don't like being told where to shove it.

TUNDRA- I...er...see.

Master Polar continues pacing up and down the throne room. A nearby Amphibial is so dizzy from watching that it falls down.

Scene 6- Hallway

In a hallway onboard the satellite base, Robin and Bethany are walking hand-in-hand. Bethany is wearing blue lipstick, black high-heel boots and a long glittery blue dress. Robin is wearing a dinner suit with a red bow tie. Kirsten meets them.

KIRSTEN- Last night as singles?

BETHANY- You got that right.

KIRSTEN- *Cheery* Have a good time you two.

ROBIN- Don't worry about that kid. See you later.

As they walk down the hallway, Kirsten waves to them. Terry walks out of a corridor and stands next to Kirsten.

TERRY- Poor guy.

KIRSTEN- *Quizzically* What's that supposed to mean. I think they'll be really happy together once they're married.

TERRY- *Disguised as a cough* Bullshit!

KIRSTEN- You're so immature.

TERRY- *Argumentative* Hey! My people didn't fight more than 360 years of slavery to be called immature!

Kirsten slaps Terry across the face and walks off. Terry rubs his face.

TERRY- Oh yeah! She digs me!

Scene 7- Docking bay

Commander Fawcett and a group of guards watch as a white ship shaped like a bird flies in. The words 'Sky Force,' are printed on the side. The ship lands and a door opens as a flight of stairs is wheeled over. Sonya comes down the stairs holding her case. Commander Fawcett offers her hand.

FAWCETT- I'm Commander Fawcett.

SONYA- My name is Officer Sonya Forest of the desert base. I'm part of the Nightfire Project.

She accepts Commander Fawcett's hand and shakes it. She suddenly notices something.

SONYA- *Disappointed* Oh. I thought Ken might be here to greet me...

Ken pops up behind her.

SONYA- *Disappointed* ...Guess he forgot.

KEN- *Cheery* Not a chance kid!

Sonya turns around and smiles. Ken gives her a smile and Sonya leaps into her brother's arms, dropping her case.

SONYA- It's been so long Ken!

KEN- Yeah! It's great to see you to Sonya!

Ken puts her down as Robin and Bethany walk in.

BETHANY- *To Sonya* Hi there. I'm Bethany, what's your name?

KEN- This is my kid sister, Sonya.

Robin smiles, crossing his arms.

SONYA- You must be Captain Robin. I knew the Red Ranger was said to be handsome, but WOW!

Bethany purses her lips and puts her hand on Robin's chest.

BETHANY- Too late, he's mine.

KEN- So you 2 on your way out before you get married?

ROBIN- You got that right Kenny.

Ken chuckles a bit and turns to Sonya.

KEN- Why don't you go pick yourself out an empty room? I'll come up later.

SONYA- Sure. See ya big brother.

Sonya picks up her suitcase and walks out of the docking bay.
Commander Fawcett waves goodbye to Robin and Bethany as they climb into a small 2-man jet and take off into space.

Scene 8- Hallway

As Sonya runs one way, Terry comes around the other. They crash into each other. Terry scrambles to help Sonya up.

TERRY- Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean to...

SONYA- No! It was my fault, I shouldn't have been...

They gather themselves and are just about to continue apologising when they look into each other's eyes.

TERRY- *Dreamily* You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

SONYA- *Dreamily* Speak for yourself.

Scene 9- Laboratory

The room is filled with dark blue light. A team of scientists work on a small device on the table. The device is black and red with a silver circle on the upper half, surrounded by a golden ring. Commander Fawcett watches.

FAWCETT- Spyguy, what's the status of the Falconizer?

COMPUTER- Scanners show that Falconizer is at 82% completion.

FAWCETT- Acknowledged.

Scene 10- Throne room

Master Polar watches the Mastermind monitor as the scientists continue their work.

POLAR- *Thoughtfully* If I can get this Falconizer, I'll be unstoppable.

He snaps his fingers and Glacier appears before him.

GLACIER- Yes Master Polar?

POLAR- Glacier, I want you to make a full-scale attack on the satellite base, I want that Falconizer Morpher, and I want it…NOW!

Glacier salutes, then teleports away.

Scene 11- Outside the fortress

Dozens upon dozens of jet fighters fly out. Close up of lead jet's cockpit.

GLACIER- Amphibials, attack the Sky Force satellite base, Master Polar wants the Falconizer, and he shall get it!

The Amphibial jets head straight upwards into space.

Scene 12- Hallway

Commander Fawcett and other members of staff are walking through the corridor when suddenly, the place rocks. The alarms all go off and the lights continuously flicker on and off. Commander Fawcett looks out the window to see the Amphibial jets.


She turns to one of the staff members.

FAWCETT- You there! Find Kirsten, Terry and Ken, then organise a strike force!

The staff member, a young-man with spiky blonde hair, nods and runs off as the hall shakes again. The commander pulls out her pocket computer.

FACWETT (Into com-link)- Come in Robin! This is Commander Fawcett! Do you read me?

ROBIN (Over com-link)- Robin here. What's up Commander?

FAWCETT (Into com-link)- Hate to interrupt your night out Robin, but the Frieze is making an all-out attack on he base. We need you and Bethany here now!

ROBIN (Over inter-com)- I here you Commander. Robin out.

Scene 13- Restaurant

The restaurant gives off a Las Vegas feeling. It is filled with red light and people seated at settees around tables, all dressed nicely. The waitresses are dressed in skin-tight black leotards with bunny ears and tails. Robin switches off the com-link on his Wing Gauntlet and he turns to Bethany.

BETHANY- What's wrong?

ROBIN- The base is in trouble, come on!

Bethany nods and they run out of the restaurant.

Scene 14- Outside the Satellite base

Yellow, White, Black and several soldiers fire blasts of energy at the oncoming Amphibial jets. Glacier charges straight at the base.

Act 2
Scene 1- Outside the Satellite base

As Glacier begins making his charge, Black turns around and fires his Sky Rifle, blasting away the jets left wing. Glacier screams in anger and pulls back.

BLACK- *Cowboy* Damn! I'm good! WHOA!

Black narrowly dodges some laser blasts as the Amphibial jets swoop over. Black gets up one knee and fires a few more shots, bringing down more jets.
On another area, Yellow rides on top of Tundra’s jet and combines his Sky Sword and Sky Blaster into a Sky Rifle and aims downwards. Inside the cockpit, Tundra gets the fright of her life as the roof of her jet explodes and Yellow jumps in.


YELLOW- Yeah sweet-cheeks, it's me.

Tundra goes for her sceptre but Yellow kicks it from her grip. Tundra snarls and leaps at Yellow.

YELLOW- Man! You evil chicks never quit do you?
TUNDRA- *Angrily* I'll get you Yellow Ranger!

YELLOW- Really?

Tundra leaps again but Yellow backhands her and she tumbles off into space. Yellow gives the thumps-up and jumps out of the jet as it disappears into the vacuum of space.
On another part of the scene, a young teenaged boy soldier runs, dodging some of the laser blasts. He aims his gun in a panic but the weapon of an Amphibial jet destroys it, the boy cries out and gets blasted across the floor. The boy shields his face as the Amphibial jet closes in.

RED'S VOICE- Hey ya bully!

There is a line of silver down the middle of the jet and it vanishes in a puff of black smoke. Red floats there in space with his Sky Sword aimed downwards. He salutes the soldier, who salutes him back and runs off.
The 5 rangers gather and look on at the oncoming jets.

BLUE- There's too many!
WHITE- What can we do now?
RED- I have an idea. Bird Blast Cannon!

Bird Blast Cannon sequence- Red pilots the Red Hawk Dune Buggy through a beam of green light. Red leaps out as the Dune Buggy is engulfed in red light and the frontal part extends and the wheels fold inwards. 4 handles appear from the side and the back part of the buggy folds backwards to form 2 large handles.

White, Yellow, Blue and Black grab the side handles. Red gets behind it and takes hold of the twin back handles. The screen shows a green target screen with 2 red crosshairs.

RED- Here they come, taking aim...

As the Amphibial jets fly forward, they form a line, the 2 crosshairs land dead on the jets.

RED- Fire!

Red pulls his triggers and a large blast of white launches from the front of the cannon and blasts the line of jets into smithereens.

RED- Alright!

The cannon vanishes in a blast of red light and the rangers start congratulating each other. Blue turns around and points as another line of jets comes streaking forward.

BLUE- No time to celebrate! There's more!

RED- Damn! My cannon will need time to recharge; we'll have to think of another way. Split up!

The rangers divide and run off in all directions, all except Red, who stays where he is and blasts at the jets with his Sky Rifle.
On another area of the scene, Sonya is running from Glacier's oncoming jet. The flames on the wing are gone and smoke lightly drifts from the hole where the wing used to be. The jet takes sharp aim. Sonya dodges the blasts and aims her blaster, but the jet blasts it away.

SONYA- Damnit!

Inside the jet's cockpit, Glacier aims at the ground beneath Sonya and fires. The ground shakes and Sonya falls to 1 knee.

GLACIER- Goodbye human scum!

Before Sonya can move, the jet fires again and hits her straight in the chest. Sonya spits out blood as she slams into the wall. The armour smokes and is stained with blood. Black rushes around the corner and sees her.


He turns to Glacier's jet and pulls out his Sky Sword.

BLACK- *Angrily* Glacier! I'll have your HEAD!

GLACIER'S VOICE- *Mockingly* Aw! The avenging hero. Goodbye!

Glacier aims at Black, who continuously moves around.

GLACIER'S VOICE- *Annoyed* Stand still! I need to kill you.

Black jumps at the jet and uses his rifle to blast the windshield away. He leaps onto the front and grabs Glacier around the throat. Glacier lets out a strangled gasp as Black pulls him out of the cockpit and holds him out over space.

BLACK- *Low* I'll snap you in half.

GLACIER- Just because I killed a single stupid human.

BLACK- *Really angrily* STUPID HUMAN! That’s my sister.

He kicks Glacier in the stomach and throws him out into space. Glacier starts swimming back at him, against the vacuum of space.

GLACIER- *Laughing* I won't fail Master Polar and the Frieze Empire!

BLACK- You can tell Polar he can shove his damn empire up his damn...

Black combines his Sky Sword and Sky Blaster into his Sky Rifle and takes aim.


He fires a large blast straight at Glacier, smashing him away.

GLACIER- *Getting fainter* Oh! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

Black leaps off the jet as it starts to fall and runs to Sonya. He presses the side of his helmet to make his visor and mouth plate fold back into his helmet. He puts his hand beneath Sonya's head and lifts it up a bit.

BLACK- Sonya! Sonya! Please don't die on me.

Black starts to cry. He picks up Sonya and runs off as his visor and mouth plate fold back into place.
Back with Red: Red twists a knob on the side of his Sky Rifle and fires. A huge yellow blast erupts from the turret and engulfs the remaining Amphibial jets, vaporising them. Red divides his weapons and sees Black running with Sonya. Red taps his chin and follows him.

Scene 2- Infirmary

Sonya lies on an infirmary bed with tubes and wires hooking her up to machines. The wires are connected to her chest. An oxygen mask is on her face. Commander Fawcett and several doctors plus the rangers (now without their helmets) look over her. A tear drops down Ken's cheek and Fawcett hands him a handkerchief.

KEN- Thanks Commander.

Ken dabs his cheeks with the handkerchief. Commander Fawcett turns to a male doctor.

FAWCETT- Doctor, what are Sonya's chances of survival?

DOCTOR- *Grim* I'm afraid they are very slim.

The heart monitor lets out a few weak beeps and then flat-lines. Ken gasps in horror and shakes the monitor.

KEN- No! No! Sonya! No! Don't die!

Ken releases the machine and looks down. The doctor places his hand on Ken's shoulder.

DOCTOR- Ken...I'm sorry.

Ken walks over to the nearby wall and looks up angrily as he powers up his fist.


He punches the wall with so much power that it leaves a deep hole in the shape of a fist. Ken massages his knuckles and walks out of the infirmary.

TERRY- I'll help him calm down.

Terry walks out after Ken.

Scene 3- Balcony

Ken sits on the balcony, covered by a large dome and looks out into space. Terry walks up and sits next to him.

KEN- Oh, Terry. What's up?

TERRY- Ken, can I talk to you concerning Sonya?

KEN- Go on.

TERRY- You won't laugh will you?

KEN- Of course not my friend.

TERRY- I...I...think I loved her.

KEN- That's not something to laugh at Terry. Sonya was a beautiful girl.

TERRY- You won't tell anyone will you?

KEN- Of course not. Come on; let's get a beer. Robin and Bethany's wedding is tomorrow.

Terry chuckles and the two friends walk off together into the base.

Scene 4- Infirmary

The lights are all off. All the beds are back in their cylinder containers. All the patients are asleep and Sonya is covered with her blanket, ready for departure. The door creaks open and a mysterious figure in a skin-tight ninja suit sneaks in. It is obviously female by her physique. The figure walks over to Sonya's cylinder and opens it. She chuckles and pulls down her mask to reveal herself to be Tundra.

TUNDRA- Perfect. The body is lifeless and her fighting skills were incredible. And being the Black Ranger's sister, she will prove the prime subject for the experiment.

Tundra pulls away Sonya's blanket and runs out, carrying her body.

Scene 5- Throne room

Master Polar looks at Sonya's body, lying straight on the floor in front of him. Glacier and Tundra stand at his sides. Polar smiles slightly and chuckles, which turns into a grin and a bigger laugh, which grows into an all-out evil laugh as the screen fades out and the laugh goes away after a few moments.