6. Corrupted
Series 1

1. Up Up And Away

2. Take To The Skies

3. Trial By Fire

4. Quest For Redemption

5. Access Denied

6. Corrupted

Act 1
Scene 1- Sky above a village

Red, Blue and White fly over a village. Red brings his Wing Gauntlet to his mouth.

KEN (Over com-link)- Any sign of her yet?

RED (Into com-link)- I'm sorry Ken. We've searched almost every village in the area and still no sign of Sonya.

KEN (Over com-link)- *Emotional* When I find out who stole her body from the infirmary, I'll rip the throat out of the muddafu...

Red switches off his com-link and turns to the others, as the sky grows dark.

RED- We'd better head home. We're all tired. Come on.

Blue and White give tired nods and the 3 of them fly upwards.

Scene 2- Wedding chapel
As Robin and Bethany stand at the altar, Commander Fawcett as the priest, Terry sits next to Ken and tries to comfort him in the pews.

TERRY- Look Ken. It's coming to the good bit. Can you keep happy until it's over?

KEN- *Slightly emotional* Okay Terry. I'm...I'm sorry.

At the altar, Commander Fawcett begins reading the vows.

FAWCETT- Do you, Robin Drake, take Bethany Escobar to be your lawful wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?

Robin looks at Bethany and smiles.

ROBIN- I do.

FAWCETT- And do you, Bethany Escobar, take Robin Drake to be your lawful wedded husband. To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?


Fawcett smiles as cries begin to emerge from the people in the pews.

FAWCETT- I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Robin passionately kisses Bethany as cheers and cries go up from the crowd. In the front pew, Kirsten dabs at her eyes with a handkerchief.

KIRSTEN- Good going Beth. Good going.

Scene 3- Outside Robin's bedroom
The sign has been changed. It now says 'Robin & Bethany Drake.'

Scene 4- Robin's bedroom
Robin lies in bed, sleeping. Bethany is lying next to him and wakes up, slowly. She turns over and looks at Robin as he wakes up and looks back at her.

BETHANY- Morning...Mr. Drake.

ROBIN- Morning...Mrs. Drake.

Bethany kisses Robin on the cheek and climbs out of the bed. As Bethany disappears into the bathroom, Robin lays back and smiles again, closing his eyes.

Scene 5- Metallic room
The room is completely green with various machines everywhere. Inside a tank of purple liquid is Sonya's body. Her body armour is still on and her wounds have not been touched. She has an oxygen mask on her face. The tank is wired to a gigantic computer and monitor. Polar, Glacier and Tundra look on. Glacier presses a red switch on the computer's console. The tank fills in with crystal substances, so Sonya is no longer seen.

GLACIER- Activating wound treatment.

The tank clears and Sonya is now cleaned and her wounds are gone. The tank freezes again. Glacier presses a green button.

GLACIER- Activating cloth extraction.

A small slot opens up beneath the tank and Sonya's suit and body armour emerges. Tundra walks out of the room. The tank rocks slightly when Glacier presses a blue button.

GLACIER- Activating programming.

Tundra returns with a strange looking suit. It has blue boots and a blue dress with a top that opens up at the front down the centre and a helmet shaped like hair and with a silver control receiver poking out of the right side and curving upwards. The suit and boots are lined with purple and white. Glacier presses an orange button.

GLACIER- Activate reanimation.

The tank begins to empty. The screen shows a rear view as Sonya steps out of the tank, fully alive. Tundra hands her the costume. Polar laughs maniacally.

POLAR- Excellent.

Scene 6- Cafeteria
Robin and Bethany are sitting down to eat. They are both wearing their trademark outfits (Robin in a red sweater and blue jeans, Bethany in a blue blouse and short skirt). Robin is eating a steak with eggs and fries while Bethany sprinkles some pepper on her salad. Chef Luigi walks over.

LUIGI- News-a says that this is-a your-a first day as a married-a couple. Right?

ROBIN- That's right.

LUIGI- And-a how's it been for you 2 eh? *Suddenly grim* My wife-a, she died when the-a Frieze attacked.

Bethany puts her hand on Luigi's shoulder to comfort him.

BETHANY- Don't worry Luigi. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.

LUIGI- *Cheers up* Well, I'd-a better get back-a to work. Chow!

Luigi goes back behind the counter.
Bethany and Robin stop eating and look into each other's eyes. They suddenly begin to get closer.

BETHANY- You know Robin, it has been calm around here lately. Suppose we...

She doesn't get to finish her sentence as a beep sounds out from their Wing Gauntlets. They quickly snap back to reality and hold up their Wing Gauntlets.

ROBIN (Into com-link)- Go ahead Commander.

FAWCETT (Over com-link)- Robin! You and Bethany had better get down to the village of Cherry Falls. There's a monster attacking!

ROBIN (Into com-link)- You got it Commander.

Robin switches off his radio and the 2 rangers get up and run out of the cafeteria.

Scene 7- Cherry Falls Village
Black, Yellow and White fend off a huge monster. It resembles a Buddhist god statue except it's face is more pig-like and it has a single eye, resting on its forehead. The rangers regroup a few feet away from the monster.

BLACK- This is really starting to piss me off. There has to be a way to stop him.

MONSTER- You can't stop me. I am the god of doom. I am Crowngut!

YELLOW- You got the 'gut' bit right fatso!

CROWNGUT- You can't talk to Crowngut that way!

The rangers charge with their Sky Swords in front. Crowngut's eye glows blue and he doubles in size. The rangers leap up and glide towards him on their Pilot Wings. Crowngut sighs and reaches out his arms. He catches Yellow and Black in his hands by their helmets. White flies towards his stomach with her Sky Sword out but the stomach ripples and White disappears into it. White lets out a muffled cry as she manages to get her upper body out but the ripple stops, trapping her legs.

BLACK- Kirsten!

YELLOW- I'm not...going to lose...my best friend!

Yellow swings up and kicks Crowngut in the wrist. Crowngut lets go and Yellow spins around on the ground and fires his Sky Blaster. It only causes a tiny ripple. White suddenly begins to disappear into the monster.

CROWNGUT- *Annoyed* I'll absorb each of you and then I'll have your powers! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

YELLOW- Not if I can help it! Ken! Double whammy!

BLACK- *Muffled* Gotcha!

Yellow and Black form their Sky Rifles and take aim.

CROWNGUT- Ha! Ha! You think those silly playthings can hurt me? Ha! Ha!

Two long white beams suddenly fire into Crowngut's mouth as he screams in pain. He drops Black to defend himself against the beam. A scream rings out from the direction of Crowngut's belly. Yellow looks in the direction of the scream to see White has been almost submerged.

YELLOW- Ken! Use my Sky Rifle, I have to help Kirsten.

Yellow throws his Sky Rifle to Black, who catches it and keeps firing.
Yellow kneels down in front of Kirsten and grabs her hand. Yellow tries to pull her out but his hands are now being pulled in.

WHITE- Terry, is this the end?

YELLOW- If it is, we're gonna go out the same way we came in, as friends.

White screams as she completely disappears into the monster and Yellow cries out, as he is pulled in after her.

BLACK- Terry! Kirsten! NO!

CROWNGUT- 2 little birdies gone. 1 little asshole to go.

Black looks back to Crowngut but is too late as the monster's hand smashes into him. Black flies through the air and crashes into some rocks.

CROWNGUT- Bwa! Ha! Ha! Ha! I am invincible!

YELLOW'S VOICE- *Muffled* That's what you think ya big bully!

Crowngut twists his face up in pain as he glows red and a few seconds later, he explodes to pieces, revealing that he was made of metal and was presumably a regular Buddhist statue. As the smoke clears, Yellow and White are revealed in battle poses, Sky Rifles smoking. Black gets up uneasily, clutching his chest.

BLACK- Great work guys.

Yellow and White help Black o his feet and they slap each other high fives.

FEMALE VOICE- Not so fast rangers.

Black, Yellow and White look on as a woman appears in a flash of blue lightning. She is wearing the suit that Tundra was holding earlier. The helmet on her head looks exactly like it was her own hair. Her lips and eyebrows are blue. Black gasps as he looks on.

Act 2
Scene 1- Cherry Falls village

Black walks over to the woman, ever so slowly.

BLACK- S...Sonya? But I thought you were...

(Black's flashback scene)
Black runs around a corner as the lasers from Glacier's jet fire straight into Sonya's body. Sonya skids along the floor and hits the wall, blood drenching her armour.
(Back to reality)

WOMAN- No Black Ranger. I am not Sonya. I am CONNEXIA!

Connexia holds up her hand and a sword of pure energy appears. She swings it around and hits Black. Black flies screaming into Yellow and White, knocking them down.
Connexia aims her sword to blast the rangers when several laser shots launch into her, sending her a few feet into the air and crashing down near where Crowngut exploded.
Red and Blue appear and run over to help the others.

RED- Ken! Are you okay?

BLUE- What happened?

Yellow gets up and points at Connexia.

YELLOW- She happened! Connexia!

The rangers all look in the direction of Connexia, as she stands up. She clutches her chest and aims her sword at the rangers. Blue energy surges from the tip and blasts through the rangers' bodies, causing them to scream in pain as they are lifted off the ground. Connexia spins her sword around the rangers are slammed into a nearby building, demolishing it. Connexia swings her sword again and it turns into a whip.

CONNEXIA- *Grinning* Energy Slash!

She snaps her whip in the direction of the rangers as the whip extends. The rangers recover and charge at Connexia only to become entangled in the whip. Blue energy once again surges through them but this time, they are able to resist it.

RED- Red Hawk Dune Buggy!

His Wing Gauntlet glows red.
Connexia fires a blue blast from her hand and causes an explosion. She laughs evilly when suddenly; her whip goes limp and shrinks back to normal.

CONNEXIA- *Surprised* What?

She is knocked down by a red blast as Red appears from the smoke in the Red Hawk Dune Buggy. Blue and Black follow on their Sky Cycles and Yellow and White follow in their Sky Chasers. They each fire blasts into her, all except Black and then Yellow, who stops slowly, firing shot after shot until he fires less blasts until he is no longer attacking.

As Connexia disappears into a cloud of smoke, the vehicles vanish in flashes of their respective owners' colours. Red, Blue and White start celebrating. Black and Yellow stand next to each other, sadly.

BLACK- Did we just do what I think we did?

YELLOW- I fell real shitty inside.

Blue points in astonishment.

BLUE- Look!

The smoke clears to reveal Connexia, although badly hurt, is still standing. She spits a tiny droplet of blue blood onto the ground and snarls.

CONNEXIA- I was gonna be leniant on you Power Pukes, but now that you've really pissed me off...

She turns towards the debris of Crowngut.

CONNEXIA- Growth Webs!

Growth Webs sequence- The area looks like a green wire mesh net. Connexia stands over a pile of debris and leaps up. She has one leg above the other and snaps her whip 3 times. The whip sends purple and blue surges along the floor until they reach the debris. The debris becomes red wire mesh and comes together. It then forms the shape of the monster it used to be and then grows. Meanwhile, Connexia is curled into a fetus position as purple electricity runs through her. In a flash of white light, her suit changes from blue to purple and her eyes turn blue.

A giant Connexia and a giant Crowngut stand over the rangers, laughing. Connexia looks more metallic and Crowngut's eye has tuned golden with a silver pupil.

CONNEXIA- Farewell rangers.

She tries to stomp on the rangers but they take off on their Pilot Wings.

RED- Sky Force zords!

Sky Force zord arrival sequence.
Sky Force Megazord transformation sequence.

(Megazord cockpit scene)

Red rams his controls forward.

RED- Sky Force Megazord! Sky Force Darts!

The Sky Force Megazord aims its hands at the monsters and the fingertips flip upwards. Dozens of feather-shaped bullets launch from them and hit Crowngut as Connexia dives out of the way. Crowngut stumbles around.

(Megazord cockpit scene)

The rangers each press the red buttons on their joysticks.

RED- Sky Force Megazord Sky Strike!

The Megazord's hand glows white and its sword materialises. The area around it glows red as the Megazord brings its sword down on Crowngut. A white slash rips through Crowngut's body as he falls down and explodes.
Just as the Sky Force Megazord is about to take a victory stance, Connexia comes down from above and kicks the Megazord to the ground. Connexia puts one foot on the Megazord's head and kneels down.

CONENXIA- *Mockingly* You may have won the 1ST round rangers, but the Frieze Empire will prevail.

(Megazord cockpit scene)

The rangers watch as Connexia continues her speech.

CONNEXIA- And when we next meet rangers, we shall end our feud once and for all.

Connexia walks away, her armour turning blue as she shrinks back to normal.

Scene 2- Cafeteria

The 5 rangers sit around a table, enjoying some fruit smoothies. But Terry and Ken barely touch their ones.

KIRSTEN- *Concerned* Geez Terry, you haven't touched your smoothies and you've usually slugged down 5 by now.

TERRY- *Grim* I was hoping I could keep this secret, it's kinda personal.

ROBIN- Come on, you can tell us. Don't forget Terry, we're your friends.

TERRY- *Plucks up a bit of courage* Well, I think I was in love with Sonya. You see, I bumped into her in the hall once...

(Terry's flashback scene)

As Sonya runs one way, Terry comes around the other. They crash into each other. Terry scrambles to help Sonya up.

TERRY- Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean to...

SONYA- No! It was my fault, I shouldn't have been...

They gather themselves and are just about to continue apologising when they look into each other's eyes.
(Back to reality)

KEN- And being my sister, I feel that a piece of me went with her.

TERRY- Same here.

Kirsten, Bethany and Blue look at each other with troubled expressions on their faces.

Scene 4- Throne room

Connexia bows down before the seated Polar (in his cloaked form) as Glacier and Tundra look on from their sides of the throne. A single blue tear runs down Connexia's cheek and drops to the floor.

CONNEXIA- *Shakily* I'm sorry master. I've failed you.

One of Polar's thick black tentacles wraps around her shoulders and tenderly pats her on the back.

POLAR- *Tenderly* There, there. You did no such thing Connexia. It was your first fight against the rangers, you did your best. We'll try and get them next time.

TUNDRA (To Glacier)- *Whispering* I never got that kind of encouragement after my first goof-up.

GLACIER (To Tundra)- *Whispering* Same here.

Polar's tentacles disappear as he unfolds into his human state.

POLAR- Connexia. There is 1 thing you could do for me.

CONNEXIA- Name it.

POLAR- You see, I've learned that over the last few years, some Earthen animals have evolved due to the waste left by our attacks. Bring me one of every of those species and I'll promote you to squadron leader.

TUNDRA- *Shocked* But that's my job!

Polar turns angrily to her.

POLAR- *Angrily* You're not worth the DNA you sprang from you klutz of a clone you!

TUNDRA- But I...I...

POLAR- Silence!

Polar clenches his fist and a ripple opens in the floor beneath Tundra. She falls screaming through the floor as the ripple disappears.
Polar purses his lips and looks at Glacier.

POLAR- Now Glacier, I have a mission for you. I want you to...

Scene 5- Laboratory

The lights are out and the scientists are not present. Mechanical devices surround the room. In the centre is a glass case with the Falconizer Morpher inside it. A thin sliver of silver water slips under the door and over to the glass. It vaguely turns into the form of Glacier, but he is in a gaseous form. Glacier's hand solidifies and using his clawed hand, he cuts a circle in the glass, just big enough for a hand to fit through. He gently places the cut out circle on the floor and picks up the Falconizer before returning to liquid form and slithering out of the door.

The scene changes to morning. Scientists walk through the door and stare in shock and horror at the empty case. A scientist runs over to a machine with a monitor on it and punches a few buttons. Commander Fawcett's face appears on the screen.

FAWCETT- What is it Bentley?

BENTLEY- The Falconizer...it's gone!

FAWCETT- What! I'll alert the rangers! You send out a search party for another reason. The animals that evolved after the Frieze attacked, it seems that someone is stealing them!

BENTLEY- We'll get right on it Commander. Bentley out.

The monitor goes blank as the scientist goes to tell his comrades the news.

Scene 6- Cherry Falls park

It's a bright, sunny day.
Children play around in the grass while their mums and dads chat and the scene is one of peace and serenity. Suddenly, a scream goes up. Everyone looks up to see a horde of squid-creatures attacking. The creatures have squid-heads with the pointed top and hose-like noses. Their eyes are bordered with black and the eyes themselves are purple. They each have 4 tentacles at least 5 ft long. 4 small 'fingers' poke out from the back of each monster. They have no legs but rather they jump. Their skin is mostly white with a blue tinted edge. The tentacles end in holes that are blue inside. They latch onto some of the citizens, bringing them to the floor.

MAN- Help! Help us!

WOMAN- Where are the Power Rangers?

The 5 unmorphed rangers run onto the scene. Robin looks in disgust as the creatures spew black ink onto their victims. Bethany watches as a little girl is splattered and falls to the ground, her skin turns blue.

DEEP VOICE- That's it my Gungers! Steal their plasma! Power yourselves up!

Robin looks around and points to the top of the statue in the middle of the park. On top of it is a creature that looks identical to the Gungers except that the holes on the end of its tentacles are red inside and the eyes are purple. Also, it is bigger than the Gungers. It is approximately 20 ft wide and 30 ft high.

RANGERS- Take To The Skies!

All the rangers morphing sequences appear on the same screen together.

The rangers jump at the creature.

MONSTER- Oh, rangers. You think you can destroy me?

RED- You bet we can.

The creature merely raises its tentacles and the rangers dive down the holes and shoot out the other side. They land hard on the ground.

RED- What just happened there?

MONSTER- I used to be a squid you see. And in case you weren't aware, squids have evolved so that if an enemy is small enough, they can be launched through the network within our tentacles and shoot out on the other side. Cool, eh?

YELLOW- I guess. Bet you can't do this!

Yellow dives at the monster with his Sky Sword. The monster merely squirts a green liquid from its nose. The liquid hits Yellow and he falls to the ground. The others run over to their struggling friend as 4 small bumps appear on his sides beneath his uniform. Blue notices them.

BLUE- What did you do to him?

MONSTER- *Mockingly* Just watch.

Yellow screams in pain as his uniform bursts open as the 4 bumps transform into long tentacles identical to those on the Gungers. His helmet cracks and falls off as his head becomes more streamlined and his eyes turn dark purple. His skin turns pale white and his finger melt into 2 so he now only has 2 fingers and a thumb on each hand.
His voice becomes more watery. Terry looks up at the monster.

TERRY- What did you do to me?

MONSTER- You are now a Gunger-Warrior, Yellow Ranger.


He bends over backwards and grips his temples as a purple, jagged T appears on his forehead. His uniform disappears in a flash of yellow light. Terry gets up as his feet become the pointed and toeless and the shapes of his ribs, chest and shoulder bones melt away. His hips, shoulders and stomach become covered with blue, organic armour. He walks calmly over to the monster.

GUNGER TERRY- I now serve you, Tentakill.

TENTAKILL- Excellent.

Tentakill places one tentacle over Gunger Terry's shoulder.

TENTAKILL- *Boastful* We Gungers are superior beings. When we destroy you rangers, I'll personally destroy everyone you know and love.

RED- No.

BLUE- It can't be.

BLACK- Impossible.



Sky Force theme can be heard.

NARRATOR- Welcome to the Sky Force Databanks. This file: Robin Drake

Show Robin's image.
Clip 1

Back end of Red morphing sequence.

NARRATOR- Robin is the Red Ranger and leader of the team. He has been a ranger longer than the other members of the team.

Clip 2

Red destroys some Amphibials in the hallway of the Frieze Empire's fortress.

NARRATOR- Robin is possibly the strongest of the team and uses the Sky Force Tornado Attack.

Red uses the Sky Force Tornado Attack on a turtle monster.

Clip 3

Red fights Master Polar on a bridge.

NARRATOR- What he wants more than anything is to destroy his rival, Master Polar and take down the Frieze Empire.

Clip 4

Robin tries to save Bethany from being sucked into a blue vortex.

NARRATOR- Upon losing his love, Bethany, Robin vowed to get her back...

Clip 5

Robin lies on a bed in the infirmary as Bethany sits on a chair next to him. They kiss.

NARRATOR- ...And he did, sort of.

Shows the image of Robin.

NARRATOR- Red Ranger, Red Hawk.