3. Trial By Fire
Series 1

1. Up Up And Away

2. Take To The Skies

3. Trial By Fire

4. Quest For Redemption

5. Access Denied

6. Corrupted

Act 1
Scene 1- Outside Robin's room
The camera moves slowly towards the door and passionate love sounds come from behind it. The camera stops and the door opens. Robin and Bethany walk out of the room, both smiling. Robin is sweating. He is wearing a red vest and black jogging trousers with red stripes down the sides. He has no shoes on and his hair is messy. Bethany is in a blue blouse and skirt, she is also shoeless and her hair is also messy.

ROBIN- *Looks into Bethany's eyes* 3 years. God it's been so long Beth.

BETHANY- *Stroking his chest* I know, but it's been dealt with now.

She rubs Robin's chin. Robin smiles and they return to the room to get changed.

Scene 2- Control room
Commander Fawcett sits back while watching Frasier on TV. She chuckles at a joke when suddenly the alarms go off.

FAWCETT- Oh my god! Frieze is attacking!

She presses multiple buttons on the consoles and alarms go off everywhere.

Scene 3- Robin's bedroom
Robin and Bethany finish changing into their Sky Force uniforms as they hear the alarms.

ROBIN- *Running* Come on dark venom of my heart.

The door slams.

BETHANY- *Running* He's so corny sometimes! But I still love him.

Scene 4- Hallway
Robin and Bethany meet up with the others and run down the hallway into the control room.

Scene 5- Control room
The rangers arrive and Commander Fawcett turns in worry.

TERRY- What's the matter Chief?

The commander turns and presses a button. The screen shows a flaming red monster wrecking a small town.


KEN- Who the Hell is that?

FAWCETT- One of Frieze's minions, Fireface.

BETHANY- *Sarcastically* Charming name.

TERRY- So you want us to get to work then?

FAWCETT- Yes. You better do. If he grows like the last monster did, don't worry. The Sky Force Jets are near completion.

ROBIN- That's great Commander Fawcett. Well everyone let's go! Hawk Power! Take To The Skies!

Red ranger morphing sequence.

BETHANY- Swallow Power! Take To The Skies!

Blue ranger morphing sequence.

TERRY- Owl Power! Take To The Skies!

Yellow ranger morphing sequence.

KEN- Condor Power! Take To The Skies!

Black ranger morphing sequence.

KIRSTEN- Swan Power! Take To The Skies!

White ranger morphing sequence.

RED- Let's get going!


RED- Activate Pilot Wings!

The rangers activate their Pilot Wings and vanish through the doors opening in the floor. The doors close behind them.

FAWCETT- Good luck rangers.

Scene 6- Throne room
Glacier walks into Polar's throne room. Polar is reading a Dennis the Menace comic. He chuckles.

POLAR- So this is what young Earthlings get up to. *Chuckles*

Polar looks up and hides the comic beneath his cloak.

GLACIER- Master Polar, Fireface has destroyed a human town named New York. It was guarded by 5 green beings.

The Mastermind monitor shows the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles being tossed into the waters around New York City by Amphibials.

GLACIER- But as you can see, they were easily dispersed.
POLAR- Yes, and the Power Rangers?

The Mastermind monitor changes to show the rangers flying straight at Fireface. Master Polar pulls out a microphone.

POLAR (Into microphone)- Fireface! Look out!

Scene 7- Demolished New York city
The rangers begin battling Fireface. Fireface is continually knocked over but he gets up and fires a blast of flames at the rangers, knocking them all down instantly. Red gets up grasping his chest.

RED- Everyone! Activate Sky Rifles!

The rangers combine their Sky Blasters and Sky Swords into their Sky Rifles and fire. Fireface is knocked down.

FIREFACE- Now I'm mad! I ain't gonna fall down to you goody two-shoes rangers!

Fireface raises his hand high up in the air and blasts of fire shoot from it. They create a flaming tornado. The flames smash into the rangers again and again until they drop to the ground. Red aims his Sky Rifle but another flaming spin sends Red flying through the air. He falls off of New York Island and into the murky waters below. Blue, her visor cracked, looks over into the water and watches the form of Red sink.
She extends her arm.

BLUE- Robin!

She turns to face Fireface.

BLUE- I'll...have...your...head!
FIREFACE- *Baby voice* Awwwww! Did little Blue Ranger lose her boyfriend?
BLUE- *Angrily* Shut up you son of a bitch1
FIREFACE- Language! Language! I thought heroes were supposed to be wholesome.
BLUE- You want wholesome! By the time I've finished with you, you'll be HOLE-some!

Blue separates her Sky Rifle components and charges at Fireface with her sword.
Fireface merely laughs and bats her sword away.

FIREFACE- Do you honestly think your pitiful pot shots are enough to defeat me. I am of the Brotherhood of the Dark Elements. Unlike that pathetic monster Stickyfingers, we are practically indestructible! *Laughs*

Fireface picks up Blue by the throat in one hand with one hand and begins squeezing her throat. Blue tries to struggle free. Fireface smiles and throws her into the water. She tries to swim out. Fireface smiles again and throws a flaming rock at her. The rock hits her and her visor completely breaks in half and falls off. The hit on the head knocks her unconscious and she sinks. Fireface turns towards the other rangers.

FIREFACE- Well kiddies, can anyone spell BARBECUE BAKED RANGERS?

Scene 8- Seabed
Red's body floats towards the bottom of the sea. As he softly hits the ground, followed by his Sky Rifle, he awakens. He sits up and rubs his helmeted head.

RED- Damnit. He really suckered me. Wait a minute! That's BETHANY! No!

He swims over quickly as Bethany's body hits the seabed. He picks her up off the ground and brings her face up close to his.

RED- She won't last a minute longer. I know what I must do.

He removes the mouth plate from his helmet and gives Bethany the kiss of life. It doesn't work. He presses a button on the back of the mouth plate and places it over Bethany's mouth. Red presses his ear to Bethany's chest. Her breathing has returned to normal. He pockets his Sky Rifle and begins swimming upwards.

Scene 9- Demolished New York city
Fireface has Yellow and White in his hands by the throat. Black is trapped underfoot by his throat.

FIREFACE- Prepare for the taste of defeat!

BLACK- If it's anything like the smell of defeat, then no thank you!

FIREFACE- Insolent crow.

He twists his foot around and Black coughs like mad.

FIREFACE- What kind of fighter do you really think you are?

RED'S VOICE- They're Sky Force fighters!

Red flies up out of the water and drill kicks Fireface. Fireface drops Yellow and White and stumbles back. The 4 rangers regroup. Red presses the side of his helmet and a new mouth plate covers his mouth. He gently places Bethany out of the way and aims his Sky Rifle at Fireface. Black, White and Yellow do the same.

RED- Fire!

The rangers fire their Sky Rifles and they all hit Fireface at the same time. The monster erupts into sparks and explodes. Red picks up Bethany's body and the rangers activate their Pilot Wings and take off.

RED- You saved me Bethany, now it's my turn to save you.

He rubs his face against hers and vanishes in a blast of super speed.

Scene 10- Infirmary
Bethany is lying on an infirmary bed. Only her head is visible over her blanket and her bottom face is covered with a medical mask. Robin, Ken, Kirsten, Terry, Commander Fawcett and a female doctor are watching her.

FAWCETT (To doctor)- Will she be all right Doctor Madrid.

DOCTOR- She was only underwater for a few minutes, so I expect she will be fine. Most of it was shock.

ROBIN- *Rubs the back of his head* I guess I should get out of the habit of being sucker-punched like that.

Ken smirks and puts his hand on Robin's shoulder.

KEN- You're too hard on yourself. If it weren't for you, the others and me would have been choked to death. *Pats Robin on the shoulder* Come on, I'll buy you a Coke.

ROBIN- Thanks Ken.

The 4 friends smile and leave the room.

FAWCETT- They may all be different, but one day, they shall save us all together.

Scene 11- Throne room
Master Polar is angrily pacing back and forth. A drunken Amphibial watches him. Polar turns to him and aims his finger.

POLAR- Worthless drunken pile of excrement.

He fires a purple light from his finger and the helpless Amphibial is blasted into pieces.

POLAR- The Brotherhood of Dark Elements believes that a warrior must fight unaided. But unlike Fireface, I am NOT of them.

He walks over to his throne and presses a button on the side.

Scene 12- Outside the Fortress
Polar's tiny growth ray emerges from the bottom and fires an icicle-like object.

Scene 13- Demolished New York city
The icicle hits the pile of goo that was Fireface. The goo increases and takes shape into a giant Fireface.

FIREFACE- I will have my revenge! *Laughs*

The monster begins causing more damage.

Scene 14- Sky Force cafeteria
Terry, Ken, Kirsten and Robin are all sitting around drinking Coke when the alarms go off. A big screen on the cafeteria wall shows Fireface on a rampage.

CHEF- Mama Mia!

He hides beneath his counter.

ROBIN- Damnit! Let's go!

Act 2
Scene 1- Demolished New York city (Uptown)
Fireface steps on and crushes a restaurant and then brings his hand down on a factory. People run everywhere screaming.

FIREFACE- I love the smell of destruction in the afternoon!

Red, Blue, Black and Yellow run onto the scene.

KEN- Now what do we do?
ROBIN- We got Sky Force Jets now. Let's use them.

Flash. 4 rangers do bird-like poses.

RED- Hawk Sky Force zord!
BLACK- Condor Sky Force zord!
YELLOW- Owl Sky Force zord!
WHITE- Swan Sky Force zord!

Their visors glow white.

Scene 2- Sky Force garage
A door opens to reveal 5 jets resembling the owner's respective bird.
As the Sky Force them song plays, 4 of the jets fly out and vanish in bright coloured lights.

Scene 3- Demolished New York city (Uptown)
The zords appear above the battle and the rangers launch themselves into the air.
(Red Cockpit Scene)
Red lands in his seat. It is a small cockpit with a single control console in front of him. Behind him, the wall is black with a red symbol on it showing a hawk.

RED- This is amazing!

(Black Cockpit Scene)
Black lands in his seat. The cockpit is identical to Red's but the symbol in the back is purple and shows a condor.

BLACK- A fine example of precision engineering.

(Yellow Cockpit Scene)
Yellow lands in his seat. The cockpit is also identical to Red's but the symbol in the back is yellow and shows an owl.

YELLOW- *Poetic/humorous* I am wise and I am fast. I will kick that monster's ass!

(White Cockpit Scene)
White lands in her seat. This cockpit's symbol is white with a swan on it.

WHITE- I wonder if this thing picks up Capital Radio.

(Red Cockpit Scene)
Red clenches his fist.

RED- Let's do it guys!

Screen splits to show all 4 rangers.


The Sky Force Jets fly around Fireface, continually blasting him with lasers.

FIREFACE- *Slightly angered* So the rangers want to play with their new toys! Well that's just fine.

Fireface glows bright red and fires a blast of red flames at Black's jet. The wing catches fire but Black brings his jet around in a circle and quickly extinguishes the fire.

(Black Cockpit Scene)
Black shakes his head.

BLACK- So you want to play rough huh?

The neck on Black's jet extends slightly and the beak opens to reveal a cannon. The cannon fireS 2 blasts of purple energy and hit Fireface in the back. Fireface stumbles around for a few seconds.

FIREFACE- *Angry* So you think you're tough! Well come on then!

Fireface brings his hands close to his face. They burst into flames and he spins around. The 4 jets are knocked everywhere.

(White Cockpit Scene)
White clutches her stomach.

WHITE- Is there a barf bag in here?

(Red Cockpit Scene)
Red struggles with the controls and thinks to himself.

RED- *Thinking* Bethany. Help me. Bethany. Help me.

Scene 4- Infirmary
As Bethany lies still, she hears Robin's call in her head and sits up rapidly.

BETHANY- I'm coming sweetheart!

She pulls off the mask and dashes out of the infirmary still in her nightdress.
Scene 5- Demolished New York city (Uptown)
The jets are getting knocked around like rag dolls until a 5TH jet arrives in the sky.

(Black Cockpit Scene)
Black looks up.

BLACK- Is that...

(Yellow Cockpit Scene)
Yellow stares straight ahead.

YELLOW- Bethany!

(Red Cockpit Scene)
Red clenches his fist.

RED- *Silently* Yes! She felt me.

(Blue Cockpit Scene)
Blue is moving rapidly at the controls. At short intervals, she clutches her chest. The symbol in the back is blue with a swallow on it.

BLUE- I'm coming everyone!

The Swallow jet fires blasts from its eyes at Fireface, temporarily blinding him.

(Red Cockpit Scene)
Red looks down as Commander Fawcett's voice breaks in over his radio.

FAWCETT (Over radio)- Rangers1 If all 5 of you are there, you can activate the Sky Force Megazord transformation!

RED- That's great. *Switches off radio* All right everyone! Activate Sky Force Megazord transformation.

Green flash. All 5 zords are running through a stream of green streaks. The Hawk Jet folds over and its wings connect together to form the torso and the head emerges from the top. The Owl and Condor top sections slide into the bottom sections and hands emerge from the rear ends of the zords. The wings fold together. The Owl becomes the right arm and Condor the left. They connect to the torso. The Swan and Swallow tops sections extend downwards and they turn upside-down. Their wings fold in and feet emerge from the bottom. They connect to the torso. Another green flash and the Sky Force Megazord stands in front of Fireface. The Megazord's right hand shine with white energy and a sword appears.

(Megazord Cockpit Scene)
The rangers appear in a multi-coloured flash of light. The cockpit resembles the regular cockpit except there are 5 consoles and the symbol in the back sows all 5 birds.

YELLOW- Wow! This is amazing!

Red turns to Blue.

RED- Thanks Bethany. You really bailed us out there.

BLACK- I'll say. Now shouldn't we finish this go off?

RED- *Nods* Of course Ken. Activate Sky Strike!

All the rangers press the red button on their joysticks and the Megazord's sword powers up.

FIREFACE- Hey! No weapons!

The Megazord's eyes glow yellow and it brings the sword down in a strike of multi-coloured energy. Fireface grabs his stomach and launches into the air. The Megazord turns around as the monster explodes.

(Megazord Cockpit Scene)
Everyone is giving everyone else high fives.

RED- We did it!

BLACK- That was awesome!

YELLOW- You got that right!

WHITE- Damn right he does.

BLUE- Yeah!

Blue clutches her stomach, screaming in agony, and falls to the cockpit floor.

RED- Oh no! She wasn't ready to leave the infirmary. Come on! Let's get put of here.

The rangers teleport out of the Megazord.

Scene 6- Infirmary, Hours later
Bethany is sitting on her bed. She has fully recovered. Doctor Madrid stands opposite her. Bethany is now in her trademark blue blouse with a shirt blue skirt. She is also wearing white Nike sneakers.

DOCTOR- You should be just fine now Ms. Escobar, but do me a favour.

BETHANY- What's that?

DOCTOR- *Sarcastically* Next time you go out battling monsters. Wear some goddamn health equipment!

Bethany smiles.

BETHANY- Sure doc. Right now though...

She gets up and begins walking towards the door.

BETHANY- There's a certain man waiting for me.

Scene 7- Robin's bedroom
Robin is reading the same issue that Master Polar was; he chuckles when Bethany walks in. Robin drops his comic and turns towards Bethany with a smile on his face.

ROBIN- *Slightly down* You're okay then Beth. I'm really happy.

Bethany sits down beside him and runs her fingers through his hair.

BETHANY- What's wrong Robin?

ROBIN- When you freaked out back at the battle, and you passed out for more than 10 hours, I thought I'd lost you.

BETHANY- It takes a lot more than a flaming red dumbass and a chest full of water to take me out.

ROBIN- Guess so.

Bethany moves slightly backwards on her knees and grabs the bottom of her blouse.

BETHANY- Maybe this will help.

View from behind Bethany. She pulls off her blouse and tosses it away. The camera shows the back of one of her breasts. She then grabs her bra and pulls that off to. Robin's small smile increases greatly in size.

BETHANY- You ready big boy?

ROBIN- You bet.

Scene 8- Outside Robin's bedroom
We are only shown the door as passionate sounds come from behind it. Terry walks past.

TERRY- Lucky guy.

Scene 9- Throne room
Glacier stands before Polar. Polar is engulfed within his cloak and his tentacles drape along the ground.

GLACIER- It seems that Fireface has lost.

POLAR- I can see that you stupid shit.

One of the tentacles wraps viciously around Glacier's neck and lifts the struggling android off the ground.

POLAR- If your soldiers fail me again General Glacier, I will squeeze every circuit in your neck out of your mouth.

He drops Glacier, who teleports away. Polar unfolds into his human form and rubs his chin.

POLAR- But I have also learned that Tundra and the Red Ranger share some sort of link, it shall be very useful. *Laughs evilly*