4. Quest For Redemption
Series 1

1. Up Up And Away

2. Take To The Skies

3. Trial By Fire

4. Quest For Redemption

5. Access Denied

6. Corrupted

Act 1
Scene 1- Bethany's bedroom
The room is dark. Bethany is twisting and turning in bed.

BETHANY- No...That's not me...That's not me...not me!

Scene 2- Bethany's subconscious
Bethany watches over a scorched village. A young boy is trying to escape with his mother. Tundra appears over him. She smiles and aims her finger at them.

TUNDRA- Bye bye now!

Bethany runs crying at Tundra but Tundra merely turns around and kicks her down. She fires a purple ray from her finger and the boy and mother disappear in an explosion.

BETHANY- *Through tears* Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Laughing, Tundra places her booted foot on Bethany's stomach and twists it around, causing Bethany to cry out in pain.

TUNDRA- You can't hurt me Bethany. You cannot undo your past, we are one and the same.

Tundra's finger glows white and she aims it as Bethany's face.

BETHANY- *Gasping for air* I'm not like you anymore!

TUNDRA- But you are.

BETHANY- *Gasping for air* No...you're not me...you're...not me!

Tundra, still laughing, fires.

Scene 3- Bethany's bedroom
Bethany screams and sits up straight in bed. Bethany clasps her head and gasps.

BETHANY- Just...Just a dream. *Phew*

She gets out of bed and picks her nightgown up from her bedstead. She puts it on and turns on the light.

Scene 4- Bethany's kitchen
She walks into her kitchen and pours a glass of water. She drinks it slowly, deep in thought and returns to her bed.

Scene 5- Bethany's bedroom
BETHANY- I need to relax, Tundra's gone now. I must remember that.

She climbs back into bed and seconds later, dozes off.

Scene 6- Throne room
Polar has been watching Bethany's dream by use of the Mastermind monitor.

POLAR- So. She's scared of Tundra. She's scared of her evil past. That gives me an idea.

He twists his hand around and Tundra's white cloak appears in his hand.

POLAR- She will face her past. Whether she likes it or not.

He teleports away in a flash of purple light with his crown disappearing last of all.

Scene 7- Glacier's lab
Polar reappears in a flash of purple light. He places the cloak on a desk and opens a cabinet nearby. He takes out a bottle of white liquid and a bottle of blue liquid. He pours them both at the same time onto the cloak. He laughs under his breath.

POLAR- The Blue Ranger won't know what hit her.

Scene 8- Cafeteria
Robin, Ken, Terry and Kirsten are all drinking cups of coffee and wearing warm coats. Bethany walks in wearing her warmest winter jacket but is incredibly drowsy.

ROBIN- What's the matter Bethany?

Bethany orders a cup of coffee at the desk and sits down next to Robin. She sips it, deep in thought.

TERRY- You look like you could use a snooze.

BETHANY- *Dreamily* Believe me Terry. Snooze is the last thing I could use right now.

Robin puts his arm around her.

ROBIN- Come on Bethany, what's wrong?

BETHANY- I'd rather not talk about it Robin.

She gets up and walks out of the cafeteria. Chef Luigi walks over. He smiles weakly and puts a hand reassuringly on Robin's shoulder.

LUIGI- *Italian accent* Hey. Don't worry. She's a big girl, she can handle herself.

ROBIN- Thanks Luigi.

LUIGI- How about another coffee? My treat.

ROBIN- That's a generous offer Luigi, but no thanks.

He gets up and walks after Bethany. Luigi smiles weakly again and walks back behind the counter.

Scene 9- Balcony
Bethany stands out on the balcony, sipping her coffee. She watches the Earth through the window and closes her eyes. Robin walks up behind her.

ROBIN- Please Beth. I'm your boyfriend, surely you tell me what's wrong.

BETHANY- I know I can Robin. But right now, I just want to think about something.

Robin stands next to her and leans on the balcony.

ROBIN- I respect that Bethany. I'll leave you alone.

He walks off and disappears back inside the station.

BETHANY- I feel, that Tundra is anything but gone.

Scene 10- Glacier's lab
Polar stands in front of a tube suspended from the ceiling. It resembles the one that Tundra used when sleeping. Inside, something is whirling around. The whirling stops and Polar's face changes to show a twisted smile.

POLAR- She has returned.

The tube opens and a white mist drops out. The mist takes shape and Tundra appears. This Tundra however, has a silvery-blue face and her eyes are dark and full of hatred.

POLAR- Welcome back, Tundra! *Laughs*

Scene 11- English farm
Bethany walks through a field. A wolf cub runs at her and yaps at her feet. Bethany kneels down smiling and strokes him. The wolf wags its tail happily and runs off again. Bethany continues walking.

BETHANY- I guess Ken was right, this walk has done me the world of good.

She walks under a tree and is suddenly caught in a net suspended from a branch. She struggles to try and get out. Suddenly, the new Tundra appears before, smiling.

BETHANY- *Shocked* What the? No! It can't be!

TUNDRA- But it is me Bethany. Tundra.

BETHANY- But you're me...I mean I'm you...Oh I don't know what I mean!

Tundra raises her staff and points the blaster end straight at Bethany.

TUNDRA- I'm no figment of your imagination Blue-Girl! *Smirks*

BETHANY- *Angrily* Ms. Blue-Girl to you pea-brain!

Bethany pulls out her Wing Gauntlet.

BETHANY- Swallow Power! Take To The Skies!

Blue ranger morphing sequence.
Blue uses her Sky Sword to free herself and then pulls out her Sky Blaster, aiming it at Tundra.

TUNDRA- You think you can defeat me? Well don't be silly, I AM you! You can't destroy yourself.

She blasts Blue, who goes flying through the air and lands headfirst into a tree. Tundra grabs her and knees her in the face again and again. Tundra then grabs Blue by the throat and throws her into another tree.

Scene 12- Robin's lounge
Robin is lying on a couch in a luxurious lounge. He is holding his cell phone to his ear.

ROBIN- Damnit, where is she?

Scene 13- English field
Blue's cell phone is on the ground, ringing. Blue lands on it and bounces off. The call has been answered.

Scene 14- Robin's lounge
Robin hears the screams and angrily shuts his phone.

ROBIN- Bethany, hang on!

He grabs his Wing Gauntlet from the desk nearby and runs from the lounge.

Scene 15- Throne room
Polar and Glacier watch Red make his approach on the Mastermind monitor.

POLAR- Shit! The Red Ranger's on his way to the battle.

GLACIER- I'll send one of my best warriors to aid Tundra.

POLAR- He'd better be good!

GLACIER- I promise you master. Absorbo will not fail.

Glacier walks out of the throne room.

Scene 16- Sky above the battle
Red begins diving towards Tundra and is shocked to see her.

RED- That's impossible!

MONSTER'S VOICE- Not really!

A sponge-like monster appears before him.

ABSORBO- I am Absorbo!

RED- Listen Sponge-Features! My girl is in trouble and if you don't get out of my way, I'll go through you!

ABSORBO- *Laughs* Fine with me.

Red flies at Absorbo and disappears beneath his skin. Red's shape is visible as he tries to escape.

ABSORBO- You're mine!

Absorbo begins taking shape and transforms into a sponge-like version of Red, complete with Wing Gauntlet and pocketed Sky Blaster and Sky Sword.

RED-ABSORBO- Now to carry out my mission and help Tundra.

Red-Absorbo flies down to the battle and lands next to Tundra. He bows.

RED-ABSORBO- Mistress Tundra, I have absorbed the Red Ranger.

Blue gets up; enough of her visor has been smashed to see the expression of utter terror in her eyes.

BLUE- Robin?

TUNDRA- What's wrong? Can't you handle the fact that your sex idol is gone? *Laughs*

BLUE- *Angrily, through tears* How dare you do this to my friend? I will destroy you.

TUNDRA- Bring it on Betty.

BLUE- Don't...call...me...Betty!

Blue activates her Sky Rifle and blasts continuously at Tundra but the blasts don't work. Red-Absorbo jumps morphs into a blob-like form and leaps on top of Blue. She struggles to get free but Absorbo continues to swallow her up. Soon, only here struggling right hand is visible. It grips the dirt when suddenly; Blue hears Red's voice.

RED'S VOICE- You can do it Bethany. Convert your anger into strength, then crush your foes.

Blue's glove stops struggling and disappears inside Absorbo. Absorbo transforms into a bird-like figure. He laughs evilly when suddenly, a motorcycle sound comes from within him.

BLUE'S VOICE- Sky Cycle Activate!

Bird-Absorbo explodes as Blue rides out on a blue motorcycle with the swallow symbol on the side and the front is shaped like a swallow's head. Tundra looks on in fear.

BLUE- Ever seen Michael Jackson's Thriller? You should since your boss is the one that killed Michael Jackson.

TUNDRA- N-No! C-Can't s-say I have.

BLUE- Well when I've finished with you, you'll look just like it.

TUNDRA- *Gulps* Uh oh!


Act 2
Scene 1- English field
Blue revs up her Sky Cycle and rides on a full-on assault straight at Tundra. The beak on the front opens.

BLUE- Sky Cycle, Swallow Aqua Blast!

White-and-blue water launches from the beak and rams into Tundra. She is knocked through the air and pinned to a tree.

TUNDRA- *Gasp* What? How did you *Gasp* do this?

BLUE- You're not me, so I'm not fighting myself. You're nothing but a pathetic clone.

The water becomes stronger and suddenly stops, Tundra is frozen rock-solid.

Scene 2- Throne room
Polar is sitting down drumming his fingers angrily as Glacier watches on.

POLAR- Tundra has failed. Bring her back here and we'll send Absorbo to finish the rangers.

GLACIER- As you wish.

Polar presses a button on the side of his throne then folds up within his cloak and his tentacles extend.

Scene 3- English field
Blue charges sword-first at Tundra, but Tundra vanishes and the sword gets stuck in the tree. Blue puts her foot on the tree and pulls out her sword. She looks up.

BLUE- *Angrily* Come back you lousy bitch!

She hears a groan from behind and turns around. An injured Red is climbing out of the debris from Absorbo.

BLUE- Robin! I'm coming.

She runs over to Red and helps him up. Black, Yellow and White run onto the scene.

BLACK- Are you two all right? The sensors picked up a lot of firepower.

RED- *Weakly* Yeah. Bethany and me are A-OK.

BLACK- You two have seen a lot of action. Maybe we should get you to the infirmary.

BLUE- Good idea.

An icicle lands in the mess of Absorbo's body and he reforms as a giant.

ABSORBO- Now I'll squash you like bugs!

RED- Activate Sky Force Jet zords.

Sky Force Jets summoning sequence. The rangers leap into their zords.

(Red Cockpit Scene)

RED- Let's do it. Activate Sky Force Megazord.

The screen splits into 5.

ALL- Right!

Sky Force Megazord transforming sequence.

(Megazord Cockpit Scene)

RED- Let's show this oversized sponge that he can't mess with the Power Rangers Sky Force!

BLUE, BLACK, YELLOW & WHITE- You got that right!

RED- Activate Sky Force Megazord Energy Sword!

The Sky Force Megazord's hand glows white and a sword materialises in it.

The Megazord and Absorbo begin fighting. Absorbo's hand shapes into a sword and he begins fencing with the Megazord.

ABSORBO- Take this!

He swings his sword into the Sky Force Megazord and sparks erupt from it.

(Megazord Cockpit Scene)
The cockpit shakes violently.

RED- *Groans* Okay. Nobody does that to us! Activate Sky Strike!

He presses a large red button on the console.

The Sky Force Megazord's sword lights up and it charges at the monster. Absorbo swings his sword but the Sky Force Megazord's Energy Sword smashes it into pieces.

ABSORBO- What? No!

(Megazord Cockpit Scene)

RED- Let's finish this! Sky Force Soul Blast!

The Megazord cups its hands together and forms a ball of multi-coloured energy. A falcon sound is heard as it swings its hand open and launches the ball straight into Absorbo. Absorbo stumbles around, then explodes.

(Megazord Cockpit Scene)

ALL RANGERS- Yes! Score another one for the Sky Force!

RED- Come on, let's get out of here.

BLUE- Yeah.

The rangers teleport away.

Scene 4- Throne room
Polar has Tundra and Glacier in the grip of his tentacles. He is squeezing Tundra.

POLAR- *Angrily* You failed me Tundra! You were supposed to destroy the Blue and Red Rangers!

TUNDRA- *Choking* It wasn't my fault damn it! How was I supposed to know she had that damned motorcycle?

POLAR- You are worthless. Now get out of here!

He drops Tundra, who teleports away in the shape of a blue icicle. Polar turns to Glacier and begins crushing him.

POLAR- If Absorbo was one of your best warriors, I'm scared to see your worst! Unlike the original Tundra, I carry out my threats you worthless hunk of junk!

He wraps another tentacle around Glacier's neck and squeezes. Sparks erupt from Glacier's mouth.

GLACIER- *Robotic voice* Activate repair mode.

Glacier's limbs flop and his eyes go black. Polar tosses him to the ground and his tentacles retract.

POLAR- So the Blue Ranger thinks she can defeat me and humiliate me does she. I'll teach her that the Frieze Empire does not fall to this. She shall die.

Scene 5- Command room
The 5 rangers are seated around a long desk. Bethany has a plaster on her face and Robin is holding a wet flannel to he face. Commander Fawcett is at the end of the table.

FAWCETT- You were lucky to get out of there alive Bethany.

BETHANY- I know Commander. I needed that walk to clear my head.

FAWCETT- Well, considering past circumstances, I hold no reprimand for you.

BETHANY- Thanks Commander.

The commander smiles. She presses a red button on the desk and a screen appears behind her. 2 cycles, 2 4-WD vehicles and a jeep appear on it.

FAWCETT- The Sky Cycles have flight capabilities, and will be piloted by Bethany and Ken.


They slap each other a high five.

FAWCETT- Terry and Kirsten will pilot The Sky Chasers.

Kirsten and Terry move their arms around in a celebration type way.

FAWCETT- Finally Robin, you shall pilot the Sky Buggy. It has no flight capabilities but it can transform into the Bird Blaster.

ROBIN- Awesome.

The images disappear.

FAWCETT- I think you'll find these will be very valuable as we continue to fight the Frieze Empire and its warriors. Now go and get some sleep, all of you.

The rangers stand up and salute.

ALL RANGERS- Yes Commander.

Ken, Terry and Kirsten leave in separate direction but Robin and Bethany remain. Robin clears his throat and looks to the commander.

ROBIN- Commander Fawcett?

FAWCETT- Yes Robin.

ROBIN- Is your badge-camera active.

The commander presses the badge on her chest.

FAWCETT- Affirmative.

ROBIN- Then please take a picture of this moment.

Fawcett smiles since she knows what's next. Robin bends down on one knee in front of Bethany and looks into her eyes.

ROBIN- Bethany. This is something I've been wanting to ask of you for a long time.


ROBIN- Well...I...Um...Well, what I'm trying to say is...

Robin pulls out a small black box from his pocket and raises it up to Bethany.

ROBIN- ...Ms. Escobar...

He opens the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

ROBIN- ...Will you marry me?

Bethany's eyes well up with tears and she smiles.

BETHANY- *Slightly stern* Well Mr. Drake, I.ve one thing to say to you.

Robin looks up, full of hope.

BETHANY- *Losing sternness* YES! Yes I will!

She throws herself into Robin's arms and the 2 of them share a passionate kiss. The commander clicks the top of her badge and a small flash emits from it.

FAWCETT- I'm proud of both of you.

The 2 lovebirds part and Robin gently puts the ring on Bethany's hand.

FAWCETT- I'll go make the arrangements. You 2 took some heavy damage, if nothing happens with Frieze, take tomorrow off.

Robin and Bethany both smile and walk out of the room together.

ROBIN'S VOICE- Thanks Commander.

Commander Fawcett smiles.

Scene 6- Bethany's bathroom
The noise of a shower is heard. The shower is non-curtained. However, the steam makes it only possible to see Bethany's shape. The screen suddenly shows the back of Bethany's head as she rubs shampoo into her hair.

BETHANY- *Thinks* He finally asked me.

The screen shows the shower again.

BETHANY- *Thinks* After 3 years, he finally asked me to marry him.

The screen shows the back of Bethany's legs and begins going upwards and stops at her head again.

BETHANY- *Thinks* Nothing could stop me from saying yes. I love him too much to say no.

The screen shows the shower yet again.

BETHANY- *Thinks* Well, looks like it's going down. And I have plans for Robin for our day off tomorrow.

The screen shows the front of Bethany's upper body as she continues to wash her hair.

Scene 7- Bethany's bedroom
Bethany walks in with a towel held around her body and another wrapped around her head. She sits on her bed, removes the towel from her head and begins brushing it.

BETHANY- *Thinks* *Giggles*

She reaches out and turns on the radio and the screen fades out as a love song plays.