2. Take To The Skies
Series 1

1. Up Up And Away

2. Take To The Skies

3. Trial By Fire

4. Quest For Redemption

5. Access Denied

6. Corrupted

Act 1
Scene 1- Infirmary
Robin is sitting up in bed reading a G.I. Joe comic book. His ribs and forehead are bandaged and his left arm has wires from a machine strapped to it. Bethany walks in carrying a tray. She is wearing a blue blouse and short blue skirt. She is also wearing a small black denim jacket and white Nike sneakers. She has silvery-blue lipstick on.

BETHANY- How are you feeling today Robin?

ROBIN- Better, now you're here of course.

They both smile. Bethany pulls along a small desk on wheels and rolls it up along the bed. She places the tray on it. The tray has a plate with friend eggs on it. Another one has toast. Another has a couple of slices of bacon, another has a jar of strawberry jam with a knife next to it. Perched on a small saucer in the corner is a cup of hot coffee.

ROBIN- Hey, thanks.

BETHANY- Listen Robin. I hope I didn't rough you up too bad yesterday. I wasn't myself.

Robin puts his hand on Bethany's.

ROBIN- It wasn't your fault. Whoever made you into Tundra obviously has a good taste in women.


She has a flashback of when she was Tundra. Tundra has Red Ranger in a bear hug, she squeezes him so tight, blood shoots from his mouth. She snaps back to reality.

BETHANY- Yeah, about that. Last night while you were asleep, I sensed something was wrong. I fear he has returned.

ROBIN- *Chewing a bit of toast* Who?

BETHANY- *Whisper* Master Polar. While I was Tundra, I was replacing him until his return. Now he has returned.

ROBIN- Don't worry Bethany. We kicked Glacier's butt we can kick this Polar guy.

BETHANY- No sweetie, Master Polar is a lot stronger than you think. Now he has returned to power, we could be in trouble. I don't think 2 rangers will be enough.

FAWCETT'S VOICE- Don't worry. We have actually found 2 young people working for us who possess enough athletic ability to become rangers. Their names are Kirsten Secord and Terry Magnus.

Commander Fawcett walks into the room holding two photographs. One is of a young girl with tanned skin, deep-set blue brown eyes and long red hair. She has black streaks through her hair. Her hair is done up in pigtails. The other photograph shows a young black-skinned boy. He has short black hair and brown eyes. He is wearing glasses.

FAWCETT- They are going through their final stage of training and if they're good enough, they will don Wing Gauntlets and become the White Swan and Yellow Owl Rangers.

Robin gives the thumbs up.

ROBIN- Be sure to introduce us to them if they pass.

FAWCETT- *Laughing* Oh I will Robin, I will.

She leaves the infirmary and closes the door behind her. Bethany looks into Robin's eyes and smiles.

BETHANY- Well, I brought you breakfast. You could make it worth my while.

Robin puts down his comic and Bethany grabs he sides of his head and their lips begin to touch.

Scene 2- Hallway
As Commander Fawcett walks away smiling, she can hear the sounds of Robin and Bethany sharing a kiss.

Scene 3- Gym
Two figures run a massive assault course. They are the boy and girl from the photo. Kirsten slightly slows down but Terry keeps going. Terry is wearing a yellow vest, yellow shorts and white running shoes. Kirsten is wearing a white blouse with pink running shorts and black running shoes. Terry leaps over a tall ramp, a few seconds later, a panting Kirsten follows.

TERRY- *Baby talk* Oh! Is little Kirsty getting tired?

KIRSTEN- *Panting* Not likely Dog-chow!

TERRY- Dog-chow? We'll see about that!

Terry does a long jump and Kirsten follows, he does a pole-vault and Kirsten follows.
Cut to end of course. Both competitors arrive at the end, hot, sweating and tired.
A trainer in a white vest and red shorts walks up to them.

TRAINER- Excellent. You both did that course in less than 4 minutes! That's amazing! Looks like you qualified.

TERRY- So we're rangers?



Scene 3- Throne room
Master Polar (in cloaked ball form) watches the qualification of the two young cadets as they are given their Wing Gauntlets.

FAWCETT (Over image)- But you'd better take a shower first.

The image disappears and Polar screams in anger as his tentacles lash out everywhere.

POLAR- *Angrily* Glacier!

A door opens and Glacier walks in.

GLACIER- You called oh mighty Polar.

POLAR- I did yes. It seems that there are now 4 rangers to worry about.

Polar calms down.

POLAR- I'm going to send a super-soldier down there to attack them.

GLACIER- But how Master?

Polar uncurls and he steps forwards to reveal himself. He is a young man in silver armour with a black stretch-suit underneath. He is wearing a silver crown on his head.

POLAR- I have my ways.

He breathes in and fires a black gob of spit from his mouth. The spit lands on the ground and begins spreading. It then stops growing, pulls back in a little and rises up and takes shape. It turns into a massive green creature. It is fat. Its hair is purple and its pudgy green fingertips are covered in purple slime. Its eyes are yellow and its mouth is long with yellow-white teeth poking out. Rather than a nose, it has just 2 slits in its face. It is also wearing green-and-white striped dungarees. He is not standing, but rather, he is squatting.

POLAR- Let me introduce...Stickyfingers!


POLAR- I want you to go to Earth. I want you to cause terror to lure those rangers out. And I want you to EAT them!


He disappears in a black splodge.

Scene 4- Village
All is peaceful. Children play in the dirt streets, parents chat away, suddenly, Stickyfingers and a dozen Amphibials appear and start terrorising the cities. Stickyfingers fires purple sticky goo from his hair and fingers and the villagers are caught up in the mess.

Scene 5- Infirmary
The 4 rangers and Commander Fawcett are all together in the infirmary by Robin’s bed. Robin has been fitted with padding over his ribs. Suddenly, the alarms go off.
Commander Fawcett pulls a tiny object resembling a pocket TV from her pocket.

FAWCETT- Spyguy, what's the situation?

The screen shows Stickyfingers with all the villagers trapped in the purple goo.

FAWCETT- Spyguy, show location!

The screen changes to show a green grid map with a ret arrow pointing towards the disturbance.

ROBIN- We're on our way!

The rangers hold up their Wing Gauntlets.

ROBIN- Hawk Power! Take To The Skies!

Morphing Sequence- Robin is standing in a red beam, the light smothers his body and shows his shape completely in red. The light on his body changes into his costume. He crosses his arms and his helmet materialises on his head.

BETHANY- Swallow Power! Take To The Skies!

Blue Ranger morphing sequence.

TERRY- Owl Power! Take To The Skies!

Morphing Sequence- Terry is standing in a yellow beam, the light smothers his body and shows his shape completely in yellow. The light on his body changes into his costume. He crosses his arms and his helmet materialises on his head.

KIRSTEN- Swan Power! Take To The Skies!

Morphing Sequence- Kirsten is standing in a white beam; the light smothers her body and shows her shape completely in white. The light on her body changes into her costume. She crosses her arms and her helmet materialises on her head.

RED, BLUE, YELLOW & WHITE- Power Rangers Sky Force! Pilot Wings Activate!

Wings spread from their sides to their wrists and they teleport out of the infirmary.

Scene 6- Outside the satellite
The rangers reappear and fly down towards the Earth.

RED- Let's do it guys!


Scene 7- Infirmary
Commander Fawcett turns to a scientist standing nearby.

FAWCETT- Is subject 5 ready?

SCIENTIST- He will be soon. Don't worry Commander.

The scientist leaves.

FAWCETT- But I do worry doctor, I do.

Scene 8- Village
The rangers fly down and see that Stickyfingers has engulfed the whole village in goo.

RED- Damn, we're too late!

YELLOW- Let's finish this slob off anyway!

WHITE- Right!

RED- Sky Blasters!

The rangers summon their Sky Blasters and blast away at Stickyfingers. Stickyfingers falls to the ground and gets up uneasily.

STICKYFINGERS- Rangers! It's about time you showed up!

Stickyfingers fires his goo from his finger and Red, White and Yellow dodge. But Blue isn't fast enough and the goo engulfs most of her.

RED- Bethany!

Blue struggles to break free but is stuck tight. Stickyfingers fires more goo and gets the rangers when they're not looking.

STICKYFINGERS- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

The rangers struggle to get free when suddenly, a blast hits Stickyfingers, who releases the rangers.

RED- Who?

Stickyfingers and the rangers look up to see the barrel of a Sky Rifle still smoking. It is in the hands of a black ranger.

STICKYFINGERS- What? 5 rangers!

BLACK- That's right Fat-bag, and now it's time to deflate you. Sky Sword!

The Black Ranger separates his Sky Rifle and lunges at Stickyfingers with his Sky Sword.

BLACK- Black Sky Smasher!

He spins around and goes straight through Stickyfingers, who reels over and explodes.
Red walks over to Black. He offers his hand to him.

RED- Hi, I'm Captain Robin Drake, head ranger. And you are?

Black removes his helmet. He has short brown hair and a handsome face. His eyes are green and he has a small red scar near his chin.


Act 2
Scene 1- Village
Black takes Red's hand and shakes it, then lets go.

BLACK- My name is Lieutenant Ken Forest. I started the training to be a ranger about the same time as you but was taken ill by a Frieze attack and had to retire from it. But after I had fully recovered 1 year ago, I was allowed to continue.

YELLOW- Well we could always use 2 military guys for this job.

WHITE- You got that right.

The team laughs at their victory; Black replaces his helmet and the team teleport away.

Scene 2- Throne room
Polar sits on his throne in his human form. He presses a button on the throne.

Scene 3- Outside the fortress
A small gun emerges from the bottom and fires something that resembles an icicle. The icicle heads towards Earth.

Scene 4- Village
The icicle hits the blob of black goo that had once been Stickyfingers and the next second; the monster is reborn as a giant.

STICKYFINGERS- I'm large and in charge! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Stickyfingers stomps down the village street and once again shoots his goo from his hair and fingers, entrapping the villagers.

Scene 5- Command Room
The unmorphed rangers have already arrived as Commander Fawcett goes through a new project.
The screen shows 5 bird-like jets.

FAWCETT- These are the new Sky Force zords. At the moment they are currently incomplete but they are at 97% right now.

ROBIN- Well that's great.

Suddenly, the alarm goes off. The monitor switches from the jets to giant Stickyfingers rampaging through another village.

ROBIN- Stickyfingers? But how did he?

BETHANY- *Worried* Oh no! I was worried this would happen!

KEN- Worried that what would happen?

BETHANY- Under Master Polar's command before I was transformed into Tundra was to begin working on a growth cannon. It looks like the project was completed.

FAWCETT- But the zords aren't finished! What can we do?

ROBIN- We'll have to use our heads. Hawk Power! Take To The Skies!

Red Ranger morphing sequence.

BETHANY- Swallow Power! Take To The Skies!

Blue Ranger morphing sequence.

TERRY- Owl Power Take To The Skies!

Yellow Ranger morphing sequence.

KIRSTEN- Swan Power! Take To The Skies!

White Ranger morphing sequence.

KEN- Condor Power! Take To The Skies!

Morphing Sequence- Ken is standing in a grey beam; the light smothers his body and shows his shape completely in grey. The light on his body changes into his costume. He crosses his arms and his helmet materialises on his head.

RED- Pilot Wings!

The rangers activate their Pilot Wings and teleport out of the base.

Scene 6- Sky above a village
The rangers glide down towards giant Stickyfingers, who has engulfed another village in goo. The monster smiles happily and the rangers put on speed.

YELLOW- So what do we do fearless leader?

RED- With the zords incomplete, I have no idea.

BLUE- I do, we have to find a weak spot.

RED- Good idea Bethany, he has to have a weak spot.

WHITE- *Sarcastically* How about that oversized gut of his?
KEN- This is serious Kirsten. Be sensible.

WHITE- Sorry Mr. Perfect!

The rangers charge straight at Stickyfingers but the mobster sees them.

STICKYFINGERS- Killed once, twice shy!

He swipes his hand. Red, Blue, Yellow and Black dodge. His hand strikes White and she falls towards the ground. White lands and hard on the ground and Stickyfingers places his foot on her. White struggles to get him off but he's too heavy.

WHITE- Help me! He's crushing me!

YELLOW- I hear you Kirsty! Hang on!

WHITE- *Gasps* I can't breath!

The rangers try together to lift the foot.

WHITE- *Gasp* He's too heavy! *Gasp* What can we do?
STICKYFINGERS- I got an idea! Get dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn!

He presses his foot down even harder and White screams in pain.

RED- Come on everyone. We need to Kirsten out of there. She could be killed.

WHITE- You're damn right I could! Now get this oversized pig off me!

STICKYFINGERS- Pig? Why you...

He presses even harder and White screams again.

RED- I have an idea. Bethany, Ken, Terry. On my mark, we all fire our Sky Rifles.

BLACK- But what if we hit Kirsten?

RED- Any better ideas?

BLACK- But Sky Force codes state we are not to use our weapons if there is a chance it might hit a comrade.

Blue slaps him around the chest.

BLUE- Damn you Ken! Drop the goddamn military act and do as your leader says!

TERRY- Your mamma didn't raise no fool man. Never get on a woman's bad side!

WHITE- *Gasp* Not wanting to interrupt guys. But *Gasp* it's starting to go very *Cough* dark!

RED- Oh no! Activate Sky Rifles.

The 4 rangers pull out their Sky Swords and Sky Blasters and combine them into Sky Rifles.

RED- Get his ankle in your sights, keep away from Kirsten. 3...2...

White gets weak and gasps again, then stops.

RED- Kirsten's out cold. 1...Fire!

The rangers fire at Stickyfingers' ankle and the giant moves away. Ken picks up Kirsten's unconscious body. Red turns to him.

RED- Ken, you take Kirsten to the Infirmary back at the base while me and the others finish Hog-Humungous over here.

BLACK- Right. Activate Pilot Wings.

Ken activates his Pilot Wings and takes off.

STICKYFINGERS- My poor little tootsies! I'll crush you pathetic rangers like bugs!

YELLOW- Doubt that Tubby! Robin! What should we do?
RED- Looks like his skin's pretty thick. That blast only barely fazed him.

YELLOW- Well I'm going to follow my OWN method. Hit them right between the eyes!

Yellow flies upwards and lands on Stickyfingers' nose.

YELLOW- I bet you may have seen a housefly, or maybe even a horsefly but I bet you've never seen, a ranger fly!

Yellow charges up his Sky Rifle and fires straight between Stickyfingers' eyes. Stickyfingers grasps his face in pain and begins stumbling around. Yellow notices a small wound between the eyes. Yellow flies off.

YELLOW- I've done him between the eyes! Keep hitting him there and we should blow his goddamn brains out!

RED & BLUE- You got it.

RED- Get the wound in your sights everyone.

BLUE- Got it.

YELLOW- Got it.

RED- Fire!

The 3 rangers fire their Sky Rifles and Stickyfingers begins erupting into sparks. The rangers turn around as Stickyfingers explodes. Yellow lands and the team congratulate each other.

RED- We did good team.

BLUE- Come on, let's get back to the satellite.

Red and Yellow nod and activate their Pilot Wings, flying off.

Scene 7- Infirmary
The rangers arrive and demorph; a bandaged Kirsten sits on her bed reading a girly magazine. She smiles as the others walk over to her, Ken is by her side.

KIRSTEN- We heard on the news that you guys did great.

KEN- *Gives them the thumbs up* Alright guys!

Robin mops his brow.

ROBIN- Yeah. We stopped the monster, but I doubt that Frieze will give up yet.

BETHANY- They won't, believe me.

ROBIN- *Smiles* Come on Bethany, we have 3 years to catch up on.

He picks Bethany up and they run out of the room.

Scene 8- Robin's room
Robin opens the door and walks in with Bethany still in his arms, they are both smiling. Robin drops Bethany gently on the bed and leans over her.

ROBIN- Been a long time.

BETHANY- So why don't you make it worth my while?

She turns out the lamp.

Scene 9- Throne Room
Master Polar sits on his throne in human form and laughs evilly.