1. Up, Up And Away
Series 1

1. Up Up And Away

2. Take To The Skies

3. Trial By Fire

4. Quest For Redemption

5. Access Denied

6. Corrupted

Act 1
Scene 1- Dark chamber
Dim light weakly pours over a figure chained to the wall. He is chained with energy restraints. He is a red ranger. A door opens and a large-breasted woman walks in. She is wearing long white robes and a large round hat is perched on her head. She is also carrying a long silver staff.

RED- So you finally caught me Tundra. After all these years you did it. So why can't I convince you to rejoin Sky Force, your real name is Bethany, why join the Frieze Empire?

TUNDRA- Even though it's been 3 years, you're still as feisty as ever. Well darling, I've been saving a little present for you.

She puts her hands behind his helmet and undoes the clips on the back; the helmet falls to the ground and smashes.

RED- Please Bethany, rejoin me.

TUNDRA- Don't worry Robin, we'll be together soon.

She puts her hands on the sides of his head and gives him an incredibly passionate kiss. She pulls away.

TUNDRA- Tasty. *Smirks* See you later.

Tundra walks away and a massive snake ducks its head down in front of her.

TUNDRA (To the snake)- *Whisper* I'm too busy for a hug right now, so you can do it for me.

She pats the snake and teleports away (disappears into her hat and vanishes). The chains on Robin vanish and he falls weakened to the floor. The snakes face curves in a 'smile' and he slides towards Robin, who is lying on the floor.

ROBIN- What do you want?

The snake wraps around Robin's ankles and begins working its way up until it reaches his shoulders. The snake's face smiles again and he starts squeezing. Robin's face twists in pain but he doesn't cry out. Fade out.

Scene 2- Throne Room
Tundra reappears in a marvellous red and yellow throne. She yawns and takes off her hat. Her hair is long and black. She puts the hat in her lap and presses a switch on the side of the throne.

TUNDRA (Into intercom)- Glacier, I want you on here now.

GLACIER (Over intercom)- Yes my Queen.

Tundra releases the button and crosses her legs.
TUNDRA- *Smiles* Oh ho ho Robin my darling. You have two choices. Join Frieze and me or have every bone in your body crushed.

She relaxes.

Scene 3- Dark chamber
Robin fiddles with the device on his right wrist as the snake continues squeezing him. Robin presses a button on the device and his entire body glows red. His muscles bulge and the snake is thrown off him. He grabs the snake by the neck and lifts it off the ground.

ROBIN- Have a nice flight Snake-Puss. Sky Force Tornado Attack!

Robin spins around and disappears into a red spinning gust of wind. The snake is launched and as it disappears over the horizon, Robin stops spinning and he presses the button on the wrist device again. His helmet appears over his head and he vanishes in a red light.

Scene 4- Hallway
Lizard-like soldiers are patrolling the hall. They are green with black-grey stripes over their bodies. They are carrying short swords. Suddenly, the alarms in the hall all go off.

COMPUTER VOICE- Prisoner Escaping! Prisoner Escaping!

The lizard-creatures charge down the hall and run into the Red Ranger.

RED- Sky Sword!

A sword appears in his hand and he destroys wave after wave of the soldiers.

RED- You Amphibials never give up, do you?

One soldier shakes its head and charges at Red, only to have his head chopped off.

RED- Sky Rifle!

A small blaster appears in his hand and he combines it with his Sky Sword to form a rifle. He fires a single massive shot and the Amphibials all disintegrate. Red separates his weapons and pockets the blaster.

RED- Now I have to find Bethany.

Scene 5- Throne Room
Tundra smiles as she watches Red run along the halls. The throne room door opens and a tall handsome silver-clad figure walks in. A silver sword is sheathed at his side.

GLACIER- You wanted to see my Highness?

Tundra leans forward and puts her hand on his shoulder.

TUNDRA- Actually I did. You see, Sky Force has only 5 bases left on Earth. I want you to destroy the base in Scotland, location, beneath Loch Ness.

An image of Loch Ness appears on a monitor.

GLACIER- I'm not strong on Earthling terms, but I believe you mean lake.

TUNDRA- It certainly looks a loch like a lake.

GLACIER- I am not programmed to have a sense of humour, but I suppose that is ironic.

TUNDRA- Tsk! Tsk! Maybe I should have programmed you better.

Glacier stands up, nods, and leaves the room. Tundra puts her hand sulkily into her hand.

TUNDRA- Oh Robin. Heroes always die so join me.

She presses a button on the side of her throne.

TUNDRA- Activate sleep freeze.

A tube appears above her and sucks her into the air off her throne. Upon entering the tube, she is frozen and the tube end is covered.

Scene 6- Armoury
The door is blasted down and Red Ranger walks in. Sword held in front, he walks towards the container full of swords. Suddenly, a silver ice cube appears behind him. It duplicates into dozens of ice cubes and they form together into Glacier. Glacier aims his sword at Red Ranger.

GLACIER- Stop right there intruder.

RED- Why hello Glacier.

Red turns and aims his blaster at Glacier. He pulls the trigger and blasts Glacier in the head. Glacier gets back up to reveal some of his facial circuitry is exposed.

GLACIER- You're for it now Red Ranger. I shall spare you no quarter.

RED- Okay, how about 2 dimes and a nickel then.

GLACIER- I tire of your quips Red Ranger.

RED- Geez! Can't robots just say 'Shut Up?'

Glacier charges at Red with his sword in front. Red jumps over Glacier and fires his blaster at him from behind. He summons his sword and combines it with his blaster to form his rifle. He blasts Glacier in the back Glacier topples over and slams into a cabinet full of swords. The cabinet smashes and the sword fall out, burying Glacier.

RED- Sayonara Ice Boy.

Red blasts a generator by the wall and it explodes. Red runs out of the armoury.

Scene 7- Outside the fortress
The fortress is an upside-down cone shaped structure with a dozen rings surrounding it. Dozens of crystal ships fly out of the side. Close up of lead ship's cockpit. Glacier is at the controls with half his face blown away, showing circuitry.

GLACIER- On my mark, make for Scotland, Loch Ness. There is a Sky Force base beneath its surface.

The ships vanish into hyperspeed.

Scene 8- Hallway
Red looks over a monitor as the ships arrive above Loch Ness and drop bombs. An explosion erupts from the lake and fragments of metal float to the surface. One fragment has the charred words 'Sky Force' on it. Red snarls beneath his mask and walks away.

RED- *Angrily* I will bring you back Bethany. But when I find Glacier, I'll rip his damned processor out!

He walks off into the darkness of the hallway as the monitor fizzes and goes offline.

Scene 9- Throne room
Red blasts into the throne room with his rifle and walks in. He looks up at the tube to find Tundra is still in there. Close up of Tundra in the ice. Tundra's eyes flicker open but Red hasn't noticed it. She smiles and teleports away, leaving the ice. Red unclips his helmet and places it on the arm of the throne. He puts his hands on the tube and peers in. He is shocked to find the ice is empty.

RED- Bethany? Where are you? Come out...my love.

A white light appears behind him and silently, it turns into Tundra. Robin still doesn't notice as Tundra reaches out and grips her hands together around him. Her gripped hands lightly touch the stomach of Robin's suit.

ROBIN- Oh Bethany. I wish I could embrace you at least one more time.

Tundra forcefully pulls back Robin and the next second; the Red ranger is trapped in a bear hug. Tundra lifts him off the ground and holds him close.

TUNDRA- Maybe you can't embrace me, but we can do vice versa.

ROBIN- I wasn't expecting this Bethany.

TUNDRA- I'm sorry I couldn't do this earlier due to...business. But maybe it's time I gave a little HUG!

She tightens her grip on Robin's stomach. Robin gasps for air. Tundra loosens her grip, then squeezes even harder.

ROBIN- *Hack* So you tricked me! *Gasp* *Hack*

Tundra once again loosens, and then grips harder, blood spurts from Robin's mouth.

TUNDRA- What's wrong? Aren't you going to pull a ranger escape like usually?

ROBIN- *Weakly* No Bethany, if you kill me so be it! Let it rest on your soul forever!

TUNDRA- *Angrily* I'll give you rest!

Once again, she loosens her grip, but this time, she pulls back and keeps getting tighter. Robin screams in pain and blood shoots from his mouth. Suddenly, his screaming stops, Tundra has squeezed so tightly it has cut off his blood circulation. He flops in her arms and he looks dead. Tundra's eyes widen and she gasps, dropping Robin's body to the floor.

TUNDRA- W-What have I done! No! No! Not Robin! *Starts to cry* No!

She kneels down next to Robin, a small stream of blood poring from his open mouth. Tundra shuts her eyes and tears run down her cheeks.

Scene 10- Tundra's subconscious
All is dark. Standing in a white circle is Tundra. She isn't wearing her robes and hat or carrying her staff. She is dressed in a blue blouse and a short blue skirt. She has red lipstick and she is wearing blue high-heeled boots. Her hair is shorter. She is no longer Tundra, but Bethany.

BETHANY- W-Where am I?

MAN’S VOICE- You are in your own mind.


A figure walks out of the darkness. It's Robin.

BETHANY- Robin, but how? I-I killed you.

She gets down on her knees.

BETHANY- *Through tears* I am so sorry Robin.

ROBIN- I am the embodiment of your sorrow. The real Robin lies on the floor of your throne room. Do you now see the pain you cause by this killing. You are not the Frieze Empress. You are Bethany Escobar the fiance'e of Robin Drake. Cheer up.

Robin wipes a tear gently from Bethany's cheek

ROBIN- Take this.

He hands Bethany his closed hand, it opens to reveal a device identical to the one on Robin's wrist.

ROBIN- Take this Wing Gauntlet.

Bethany takes it from him.

BETHANY- Are you sure?

ROBIN- *Nods* Yes, go on.


Act 2
Scene 1- Tundra's subconscious
Tundra straps the Wing Gauntlet onto her wrist. She nods in thanks to Robin, who vanishes.
BETHANY- I understand.

Scene 2- Throne room
Bethany (now back in her Tundra uniform due to being returned to reality), embraces Robin and gives him the 'Kiss of Life.' Robin coughs and wakes up.

ROBIN- *Weakly* Bethany?

BETHANY- Yes Robin my love, it is I.

Bethany helps Robin to his feet and grabs her white robes. She pulls them off and dumps them and reveals that underneath, she is wearing the outfit she had on in her subconscious. She lifts up her Wing Gauntlet, which has appeared on her wrist. She presses the button on it.

BETHANY- Take To The Skies!

Morphing Sequence- Bethany is standing in a blue beam, the light smothers her body and shows her shape completely in blue. The light on her body changes into her costume. She crosses her arms and her helmet materialises on her head.

BLUE- Blue Sky Force Ranger!

ROBIN- *Surprised* Bethany! But how did you…?

BLUE- Explain later darling. I need to get you to a Sky Force base.

ROBIN- Hey! I can survive my way out.

Blue hugs him.

BLUE- Okay Robin. Let's do it.

Blue picks up Robin's helmet from the throne arm and hands it to him. Robin takes it and puts it on.

RED- Thanks Bethany.

BLUE- *Gives the thumbs up* No problem Robin. Let's go.

Red nods and the 2 rangers dash out of the throne room.

Scene 3- Hallway
Red and Blue are holding onto the wire-like framing of the ceiling and climbing along it like monkey bars. They hear footsteps. Red and Blue pull themselves in closer to the ceiling as Glacier runs into a squadron of Amphibials.

GLACIER- I have successfully destroyed the Sky Force base in Loch Ness. But I've just been to Empress Tundra's throne room and all I found was her robes and hat! We must find her!
Blue looks to Red and Red nods.

BLUE- Glacier you chrome-domed crumb-bum!

They drop in front of Glacier and destroy the Amphibials.

GLACIER- *Surprised* Two rangers? Never mind? I'll destroy you both! Where is Empress Tundra?

BLUE- *Snooty voice* It looks a loch like a lake! Oh ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Glacier steps back.

GLACIER- Empress Tundra? Is that you?

BLUE- Well I ain't the tooth fairy!

GLACIER- *Gasps* You have betrayed the glorious Frieze Empire! Girl or no girl! I will destroy you!

Glacier pulls out his sword and smacks Blue against the wall.

RED- Bethany! No!

GLACIER- *Laughs*

Red throws a punch but Glacier teleports. Red topples over and grabs his ribs.

RED- My ribs must be damaged from when Tundra got me earlier. Lover or no lover, I REALLY wish she hadn't done that.

He gets up but Glacier teleports behind him and grabs him in a bear hug. Red elbows him in the damaged part of his face and Glacier topples over and short-circuits.

RED- I've had my fill of that today thank you!

He falls over on one knee clutching his ribs. His weakened ribs had been broken from Glacier's hold. Blue gets up and runs over to the suffering Red Ranger. She picks him up and dashes along the hall as Glacier regroups and begins chasing her. Red opens his eyes but looks straight into Blue's uniform. His eyes shut as he loses consciousness.

Scene 4- Exit Hatch
Blue runs in still holding Red. She elbows the button marked 'OPEN.' The hatch opens and Blue jumps out. Glacier watches smiling, thinking she will crash. Suddenly, wings open from Blue's sides and stretch to her wrists. She glides off.

GLACIER- *Distant angry cries*

Close up of Glacier.

GLACIER- Master Polar will be returning tomorrow. He will take back the place Tundra was temporarily occupying. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

He turns to a troupe of Amphibials behind him.

GLACIER- *Clutching the damaged half of his face* Don't just stand there fools! Prepare for your king's return tomorrow.

The Amphibials nod and run off down the hallway as Glacier growls angrily.

Scene 5- The sky above a field
Blue is still flying with Red in her arms.

BLUE-*Softly* Robin, where is your base?

Red weakly opens his eyes and points upwards.

RED- *Weakly* Straight above us, it's a satellite.

He loses consciousness.

BLUE- Don't worry darling, I'll have us there. Increase wing power!

Blue rockets through the sky and leaves Earth's atmosphere.

BLUE- Looks like our helmets maintain our health up here. Ah, there's the satellite.

She spots a satellite with 'Sky Force' printed on the side.

Scene 6- Satellite Observation Deck
A team of mean and women dressed in white jackets with 'Sky Force' marked in winged letters on the backs watch Blue and Red make their approach.

1ST MAN- Quickly! There's a ranger making his or her way here!

1ST WOMAN- Impossible! Only Captain Robin Drake has access to ranger powers!

2ND MAN- Looks like he's not the only one now! But look! That new ranger has got Captain Robin!

1ST WOMAN- He looks hurt!

2ND WOMAN- Let them in! Let them in damn it!

The 1ST man hits a button on the wall marked 'OPEN' and a hatch in the wall opens. Blue flies in and lands. Suddenly, Red demorphs through energy loss. Blue demorphs.

BETHANY- Please! Someone help!

A scientist pulls a stretcher from the wall.

3RD MAN- Put him on here!

Blue places Robin on the stretcher and the 3RD man and the 1ST woman carry him into an elevator. Bethany follows.

Scene 7- Infirmary
Robin's eyes slide slowly open. His ribs and forehead are bandaged and tubes connected to a machine are on the arm. He is lying on a bed.

ROBIN- *Weakly* Beth...Bethany?

Bethany is standing next to him, she is holding Robin's hand.

BETHANY- I'm here Robin. It's okay I'm here.

She strokes his hand and Robin forces a weak smile.

ROBIN- *Hyack* *Cough* *Cough* Glad to see you came to your senses.

BETHANY- Sssshhhhhh. You need your rest.

A woman dressed in a blue dress, black high-heel boots and tight walks in. She has a badge on her left chest marked 'Commander Fawcett.' Her hair is long and red. She has a beautiful young face with red lipstick.

ROBIN- Hello Commander Fawcett.

FAWCETT- Is this Bethany?

ROBIN- *Smiles* Yes.

FAWCETT- Pleasure to meet you Bethany.

She offers her hand and Bethany accepts it.

FAWCETT- Welcome to the team. We know you've had your...erm...past. But we hope you feel welcome here on our base and we hope you will feel like part of the family.
BETHANY- I'm sure I will Commander Fawcett. May I stay with Robin?

FAWCETT- Of course. (To Robin) So how would you evaluate this day Robin?

Robin turns to Bethany.

ROBIN (Still to Commander)- Well, I guess you could say it was a right old squeeze. *Chuckles*

FAWCETT- Well I'll leave you two alone to sort things out. By the way Robin, you're ribs may be sore for a while so maybe it would be best if you wore a bit of padding next time you go fighting.

ROBIN- Sure Commander. Whatever you say.

He smiles at Bethany one final time but then falls off to sleep.

BETHANY- Good night Robin Drake. And thank you for destroying Tundra and releasing me.

ROBIN (In thought)- It wasn't me Bethany. You helped yourself.

Scene 8- Throne room
The once white room turns black, the throne turns black with silver trimming. Gargoyle statues rise up from the sides of the throne. A now repaired Glacier along with a small group of Amphibials kneel in front of the throne. Black flames rise up from the candlesticks on the walls.

GLACIER- Welcome back oh mighty King Polar.

A black, cloaked form appears on the throne in a flash of silver flames. Long black tentacles droop onto the floor and a silver crown is perched on the top.

POLAR- So Tundra has returned to her regular form. I should have known better than to trust that big-bosomed bimbo. But...

Glacier glances up.

GLACIER- But what mighty Polar?

The cloak unfolds to form a human-like shape. The tentacles are extending from his torso. One tentacle wraps around Glacier, picks him up and throws him against the walls.

POLAR- But it was your fault the traitor got away!

He closes up into a cloak covered form again.

POLAR- Let it never happen again or I shall tear your core processor out Glacier.

Glacier gets up uneasily and shakes his head.

GLACIER- It shall not happen again my master.

A door opens in the wall and Glacier walks uneasily out through it.

AMPHBIALS- *Hissing*

The Amphibials teleport away in green swirls.

POLAR- There may be one more ranger to deal with, but seeing as it's Tundra, I'll rip her apart limb by limb. It will be delicious.

Scene 9- Infirmary
Bethany had been watching over a sleeping Robin, suddenly, her head jerks up and she looks concerned.

BETHANY- Oh no. He can't be back? No.

Vision of Master Polar in human silhouette form appears behind Bethany's head and he laughs manically.